Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin book now available

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

AAPG Memoir 108, Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin is now available for purchase in the AAPG Store.

Memoir 108 is the first international book published on the petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin.

Claudio Bartolini, of Repsol USA’s Latin America New Ventures Group and Paul Mann, of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Houston, edited the book published by AAPG, Anadarko and Repsol.

The volume consists of 27 multidisciplinary papers which include a wide range of geological and geophysical topics, such as geochemistry and petroleum systems, earthquake seismology and tomography, seismic stratigraphy and sedimentology, oil and gas exploration plays, carbonate and siliciclastic petrology, basement studies, regional tectonics and structural geology, fold belt structural analyses, potential methods, and studies on the Magdalena fan.

The highly valuable and innovative information contained in the book is critical for geoscientists in the petroleum industry, research institutions, and academia.

Do not miss the opportunity to learn about the extremely complex but fascinating geology of Colombia's Caribbean Margin and its important hydrocarbon potential.

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