AAPG Memoirs must be proposed to the AAPG Books Editorial Board via a Proposal Application.
In addition to answering the Application questions below, potential Memoir compilation editors should provide information about:
- Timeliness of the Topic
- How the content of the Memoir will advance understanding of an aspect of petroleum geology and/or other aspects of conventional or unconventional energy sources, the energy industry in general, or environmental issues regarding the energy industry
AAPG Memoir Proposal Application Questions
- Tentative title
- Names, affiliations, e-mails of all compilation editors
- Tentative titles for all chapters
- Names, affiliations, e-mails of each chapter’s corresponding author
- List of potential reviewers, affiliations, e-mails (at least two per chapter) outside of the book’s author group
- Estimated number of pages (text, references, captions, tables, figures, etc.) for each chapter, bearing in mind that all Memoirs over 250 total printed pages have associated funding requirements
- Description of target audience for the book
- Competing books, if any
All information should be submitted for AAPG Books Editorial Board and Elected Editor review via e-mail, with either all information contained in the e-mail itself or as a DOCX file attached to the e-mail.
E-mails can be sent to for processing.