HomeAbout AAPG Divisions


Division of Professional Affairs (DPA)

The Division of Professional Affairs was established in 1968 and seeks to:

  • promote professionalism and ethical standards
  • provide a means for professional certification of petroleum geologists, coal geologists, and petroleum geophysicists
  • assist in career planning
  • improve the professional well-being of AAPG members

Go to the DPA Website

Energy Minerals Division (EMD)

The Energy Minerals Division of AAPG was established in 1977 and is dedicated to:

  • addressing the special concerns of energy geologists working with unconventional and alternative energy resources,
  • providing access to technical information on the latest developments in these resources,
  • assisting AAPG in providing training opportunities in local, regional, national, and now international meetings, seminars, short courses, and conferences, and
  • providing the general public and non-members of AAPG with information regarding unconventional and alternative energy resources and their exploration and development.

EMD membership is additional and not automatic with membership in AAPG. Complete an EMD membership form

EMD Dues
  • EMD Membership: $0.00
  • EMD Student Membership $0.00

Go to the EMD Website

Division of Environmental Geosciences

Established in 1992, Division of Environmental Geosciences is concerned with increasing awareness of energy geologists of the environment during the exploration and development of conventional, unconventional, and alternative energy resources, and with providing AAPG with a geoscientific voice in the public arena regarding such matters.

Among its objectives are:

  • educating members about important environmental issues involved in the exploration and development of oil and natural gas ranging from conventional, unconventional to the alternative energy resources,
  • supporting and encouraging research on the effects of exploration and production on the environment
  • communicating scientific information to concerned governmental agencies

DEG membership is additional and not automatic with membership in AAPG. Download a membership form from DEG's website.

DEG Dues
  • DEG Membership: $25.00
    (includes DEG’s Journal: Environmental Geosciences)
  • DEG Student Membership: $0.00
    (includes DEG's Journal: Environmental Geosciences ONLINE ACCESS ONLY)

Go to the DEG Website

Petroleum Structures and Geomechanics Division

Driven by keen interest in geomechanics and supported by an established foundation in structural geology and tectonics, the amalgamated discipline of geomechanics and petroleum structural geology is one of the fastest growing disciplines in petroleum geoscience. Evidence of the growing importance of this technical area includes the rapid growth of these technical teams within E&P companies, the increasing importance of deep and/or geomechanically complex targets (including unconventional and subsalt), and the proliferation of papers and specialty meetings on these topics.

An important opportunity for the AAPG stems from the current situation wherein this technical interest group is neither well-represented by other professional societies nor by the AAPG. For technical affiliation, individuals from this discipline area must look outside of AAPG to groups including the Structure and Tectonics Division of GSA, the Tectonic Studies and the Petroleum groups of the Geological Society of London, the American Rock Mechanics Association, the American Geophysical Union, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and a plethora of informal LinkedIn groups.

There is no dues structure at this time.