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Current Issue: October 2024, v. 108, no. 10

7 articles in this issue.

Ahead of Print

16 accepted manuscripts are published in advance of the printed issues. Updated on 15 August, 2024.

2014 Impact Factor:

Impact Factor: 2.606
5-year Impact Factor: 3.158

The AAPG Bulletin is a technical journal that is recognized in the industry as the leading peer-reviewed publication for information on geoscience and the associated technology of the energy industry. The AAPG Bulletin is received monthly online or in print by all members.

Print ISSN 0149-1423

First published in 1917 as the Bulletin of the Southwestern Association of Petroleum Geologists — AAPG’s predecessor organization — in order to disseminate scientific material from annual meetings of the S.A.P.G., the AAPG Bulletin changed its name one year later when S.A.P.G. became AAPG.

The AAPG Bulletin has been delivering quality research to the scientific world ever since. The first issue contained papers written by the best-known geologists of the day, and included papers on such topics as South America, Europe, and general geologic problems of structure and sedimentation.

While the 21st-century AAPG Bulletin has undergone some changes since 1917, enlarging to 8 ½ x 11” size to incorporate more material and being published digitally as well as in print, it continues to adhere to the primary purpose of the organization, which is to advance the science of geology especially as it relates to petroleum, natural gas, other subsurface fluids, and mineral resources.

Delivered digitally or in print monthly to each AAPG Member as a part of membership dues, the AAPG Bulletin is one of the most respected, peer-reviewed technical journals in existence, with recent issues containing papers focused on such topics as the Middle East, channel detection, China, permeability, subseismic fault prediction, the U.S., and Africa.

AAPG Members receive a Bulletin subscription as a part of their membership. The Bulletin may be accessed online through your profile. If you are not an AAPG Member and would like to join, please visit our Membership section.

Institutional subscriptions are also available. Please contact AAPG or telephone (918-584-2555) for more information.

For more information about submitting to the Bulletin, visit our Bulletin Manuscript Submission section.

Submit papers online through Editorial Manager®. Using EM, authors can track the progress of their papers from submission to publication.

Please contact the journal office for submission questions.

The complete archive of the AAPG Bulletin is available online via the AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database.

Browse Past Issues of the AAPG Bulletin (1917 to Present)

Abstracts are available at no charge. Full Text articles are available to subscribers and members of AAPG. Pay-per-View access is available in PDF format.

For general questions, please e-mail [email protected].

For status inquiries of submitted manuscripts, please log in to Editorial Manager.
For status inquiries of approved manuscripts, please e-mail Andrea Sharrer.
For questions regarding page charges, please e-mail Paula Sillman.
For questions regarding Bulletin policies, please e-mail Bev Molyneux.


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