Typically, book chapter contributors will have been invited to contribute to a Memoir by the Memoir’s compilation editors. Once the invitation has been received, authors will be in receipt of a link to the online submission and review system, Editorial Manager. That site’s address is http://www.editorialmanager.com/aapgbooks/default.aspx
General instructions
- Papers submitted to an AAPG Memoir must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
- Papers submitted to an AAPG Memoir should not, for the most part, contain previously reported material. The overlap of contents between related papers should be kept to a minimum and normally should be confined to introductory/review sections.
- Authors should provide information and preprints on closely related papers that are in press elsewhere. If deemed necessary to the review process, these related papers will be sent to reviewers.
- All authors of multiauthored papers will be assumed to have been involved in the work, approved the paper, and agreed to its submission. One author will act as the corresponding author.
- Papers are peer reviewed for technical merit, quality of scientific content, utility of the results for practicing geologists, and adherence to the Memoir’s overall scientific theme.
Manuscript organization
- Title
- Author(s) and full address(es) including e-mail
- Abstract
- Text
- Acknowledgments, if any
- Appendix(es), if any
- References Cited
- Figure captions
- Figures (as individual files not included in text, and at no less than 300dpi resolution; preferably as .eps or .tif)
- Tables (as individual files not included in text, preferably as .doc or .xls)
Manuscript rules
- Use metric units of measure with the English unit equivalent in parentheses or, conversely, English units with metric equivalents in parentheses. Laboratory measurements do not require conversions.
- Do not use abbreviations except for units of measure.
- Limit the use of acronyms. Please define all acronyms and nonstandard abbreviations used within figures and tables in each figure caption and table footnote.
- Figures must be cited in numerical order.
- Cite all references and include complete information for each citation in “References Cited” section.
- Follow the North American Stratigraphic Code and use Geochronologic and Chronostratigraphic Nomenclature.
Figure requirements
- All figures must include scales.
- Axes must be labeled on graphs.
- Scale bars must be included on photomicrographs.
- All maps must adhere to United Nations published country names and boundary lines (see www.un.org/Overview/unmember.html).
- Each map must contain a scale bar, north arrow, and sufficient number (at least two) of coordinate (latitude, longitude) points to position, orient, and scale it.
- Each cross section and seismic line, as proprietary considerations allow, should be located on a map that includes the map information outlined in the previous requirement. If known, projection and geodetic datum information should be included.
- Satellite imagery, orthophotos, and similar metric photography should be treated as maps.
Reference style
Text Citations
- All references cited in the manuscript must be listed in the References Cited.
- Names, spellings, and dates between the text and the References Cited must be consistent.
- Unpublished references must be cited as personal communications (i.e., J. Smith, 2012, personal communication) and should not be listed in the References Cited.
- Initials should be used within the text when referencing two or more authors who have the same last name (i.e., W. Brooks, 1995; P. Brooks, 1995).
- Articles or books that have three or more authors or editors should be cited with the senior author’s name plus “et al.” (i.e., Smith et al., 1999).
- Works should be cited chronologically first, then alphabetically (i.e., Harvey et al., 1989, 1992; Smithers, 1990; Zink et al., 1990, 2000; Jordan et al., 1993; Abercrombie, 1994; Fernandez, 2002).
- A page number should be given when a direct quote is used (i.e., Smith, 1991, p. 1492).
References Cited
- All references must be complete and accurate.
- Referencing works accepted for publication but not yet published is discouraged. However, when vital to the manuscript, cite as “in press;” with no year given (i.e., Jones, R. B., in press, Fluvial and lacustrine rocks…).
- For works that list one author, two authors, or a group of authors that have more than one publication in one year, differentiate the publications by adding a, b, c, etc., after the year (i.e., 1991a, 1991b).
Order of Cited Information
- Journal Article: author name(s), year of publication, title of article, name of journal, volume number, issue number (optional), page numbers, doi number (i.e., Carstens, H., 1978, Origin of abnormal formation pressures in central North Sea Lower Tertiary clastics: The Log Analyst, v. 129, no. 1, p. 24–28, doi 10.1306/256A937.).
- Book Article: author name(s), year of publication, title of article, editor(s) of book, title of book, city of publication, publisher, series and any number, volume number, page range, doi number (i.e., Posamentier, H. W., 1988, Eustatic controls on clastic deposition, in C. Wilgus, ed., Sea-level changes: SEPM Special Publication 42, p. 125–154.).
- Book: author or editor name(s), year of publication, title of book, city of publication, publisher, number of pages, doi number (i.e., Riley, J., and R. Chester, 1971, Introduction to marine chemistry: New York, Academic Press, 465 p.).
- Map: author name(s), year of publication, title of work, city of publication, publisher, series and any number, scale, number of sheets, doi number (i.e., Harris, A., J. Epstein, and L. B. Harris, 1978, Oil and gas data from Paleozoic rocks in the Appalachian basin: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-917-E, scale 1:2,500,000, 4 sheets.).
- Thesis: author name, year of publication, title of work, name of the degree, university, city of location, number of pages (i.e., Smith, J., 1997, Giant carbonate reservoirs, Master’s thesis, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 200 p.).
- Internet: author name(s), year of publication or last revision, title of document, title of complete work (if applicable), date of access, URL (i.e., Rocky, I., 1998, Oil patch, accessed January 31, 2011, http://[email protected]/article.html.
Order of References Cited
- Works are ordered alphabetically by author, regardless of number of authors.
- If an author or set of authors has more than one work, order by date, oldest to newest.