Abstract Deadline extended for GTW Peru 2015: Increasing the Recovery Factor in Mature Oil and Gas Fields

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

AAPG and the Geological Society of Peru invite you submit an abstract for Increasing the Recovery Factor in Mature Oil and Gas Fields, a Geosciences Technology Workshop (GTW) to be held in Lima 15-16 October 2015.

The 2-day multidisciplinary workshop features presentations and discussions with leading experts from throughout the Americas.

Workshop themes include:

  • Solution Gas Drive Fields
  • Water Drive and Heavy Oil Fields
  • Gas and Condensate Fields
  • New Technologies for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Presenting at the workshop demonstrates your company’s role as a leader in Mature Fields exploration and development.

To submit a topic, complete the complete and return the Abstract Submission Form posted on the event website.

Structure, Basin Modeling and Geochemistry, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Geophysics, Business and Economics, Engineering, Petrophysics and Well Logs, Environmental, Geomechanics and Fracture Analysis, Compressional Systems, Extensional Systems, Fold and Thrust Belts, Structural Analysis (Other), Basin Modeling, Source Rock, Petroleum Systems, Oil and Gas Analysis, Maturation, Clastics, Carbonates, Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic, Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators, Resource Estimation, Risk Analysis, Economics, Reservoir Engineering, Drilling, Completion and Production, Structural Traps, Lacustrine Deposits, Marine, Shelf Sand Deposits, Conventional Sandstones, Deepwater Turbidites, Carbonate Reefs, (Carbonate) Shelf Sand Deposits, Carbonate Platforms, Conventional Drilling, Coring, Hydraulic Fracturing, Primary Recovery, Secondary Recovery, Tertiary Recovery, Ground Water, Remote Sensing, 3D Seismic, Geochemical Fingerprinting, Seismic Attributes

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