Evaluating Reservoir Quality, Seal Potential and Net Pay

AAPG Africa Region Co-Hosts New Short Course with Danvic Petroleum

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Evaluating Reservoir Quality, Seal Potential and Net Pay
27 June - 1 July 2016 | Dover Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria

This course demonstrates the use of basic rock properties, wireline logs, capillary pressure and relative permeability data to evaluate reservoir rock quality, seal capacity (thickness of hydrocarbon column a seal can hold before it leaks), recovery efficiency and to determine location of reservoir fluid contacts. It also explains the main controls on fault seals, and methods to quantify risk in evaluating these. Exploration and development geologists and reservoir engineers will benefit from the straightforward and intuitive presentation of principles governing hydrocarbon migration and entrapment, reservoir quality, pay determination and practical applications to determine fault and top seal potential.

Course instructor John Kaldi is a Professor at the Australian School of Petroleum, University of Adelaide, Australia and Chief Scientist for the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC). He received a PhD in Geology from Cambridge University, England and then worked for the Saskatchewan Geological Survey in Regina, Canada; with Shell Canada in Calgary; ARCO Oil and Gas Co. in Plano, Texas; ARCO, Indonesia, in Jakarta and VICO in Jakarta. In 1998, he became Director of the National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (NCPGG) at the University of Adelaide, and then served as the Inaugural Head of the Australian School of Petroleum (ASP), University of Adelaide. Professor Kaldi is committed to providing continuing education courses for the oil and gas sector and has been teaching courses around the world for numerous Professional societies and oil & gas companies.

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