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Modelling carbonate sequences and reservoirs has always been a challenging task. Carbonate rocks are generated and subsequently modified by a large variety of biological, physical and chemical processes that start at the time of deposition and end today. To unravel the geological evolution and history of carbonate sequences is fundamental not only for understanding their hydrocarbons potential but also for their role as potential reservoirs for renewable energy (geothermal) or geological gas storage (CO2 and hydrogen).

Several science disciplines are often involved to fully understand the characteristics of carbonate rocks and old approaches and new technologies and tools are nowadays applied in these types of sequences.

The objective of this meeting is to allow scientists and engineers working on carbonate rocks in academia and industry to share their most recent experience, work, approaches and use of innovative technologies to increase the understanding of the very complex world of carbonates.

Who Should Attend

This event should be attended by geoscientists and engineers from the energy industry working on exploration and development of carbonate reservoirs. Participation by academic researchers and graduate students working on carbonates is also most welcome.

Wednesday 22 June
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:45 Introduction and Welcome
Session 1: Impact of Diagenetic Processes on Carbonate Sequences (dolomitisation, karst ….)
8:45-9:25 Keynote: Factors Controlling Porosity and Permeability of Thamama-b Limestones in Abu Dhabi Oilfields
Stephen Ehrenberg
9:25-9:50 Lateral Variability in Reservoir Quality of the Habshan Formation, Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE
Catherine Breislin
9:50-10:15 Preservation and Diagenesis of Zechstein Platform Carbonates, Utsira High, Northern Norwegian North Sea – Response to Polyphase Tectonic Uplift
Kasper Blinkenberg
10:15-10:40 The Siliceous Concretions and the Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures Presence as Indicators of the Depositional Processes
Avraam Zelilidis
10:40-11:15 coffee break
Session 2: From Platform to Basin: Slope Processes, Intraplatform Basins, and Source Rocks of Carbonate Petroleum Systems
11:15-11:40 Reassessing Depositional Conditions of the Pre-Apulian Zone Based on Synsedimentary Deformation Structures During Upper Paleocene to Lower Miocene Carbonate Sedimentation, From Paxoi and Anti-Paxoi Islands, Northwestern End of Greece
Nicolina Bourli
11:40-12:05 Carbonates of the Ionian Zone: A Simple Basin or a Complex Depositional Setting?
Angelo Ricciato
12:05-12:30 Carbonate Clumped Palaeothermometry and Organic Matter as Temperature Proxies to Unravel the Kinetics Driving Burial Diagenetic Processes and How These Processes Record Thermal Burial Histories
Alexandra Sarah Robinson
12:30-12:55 The Mesozoic Source Rocks and Oil Seeps of Dinarides in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sladjana Teslic
12:55-14:00 Lunch
Session 3: Geophysical Approaches to Characterize Carbonate Sequences (seismic attributes, seismic geomorphology, seismic inversion …)
14:00-14:35 Keynote: Fracturing and Circulation of Hydrothermal Fluids in Carbonate Rocks: From Silicified Fault Zones to Hypogenic Karsts
Giovanni Bertotti
14:35-15:00 Seismic Expression of Shallow-Water Carbonate Structures Through Geologic Time
Marcello Badali
15:00-15:25 Integration of Laboratory Petrophysical Properties and Image Analyses for Assessing Porosity-Permeability Relations in Mesozoic Carbonate Fault Rocks of NW Greece
Sergio Vinciguerra
15:25-15:50 The Use of Borehole Image Interpretation in Characterising Cement Nodules and Associated Nodule-Bound Micro-Fracture Distribution in the Mauddud Formation, North Kuwait
Nicolas Foote
15:50-16:15 coffee break
Session 4: Non-Marine Carbonates
16:15-16:55 Keynote: Reactive Fluid Flow During CO2 Storage in Carbonates – a View From the Pores of Rocks
Samuel Krevor
16:55-17:20 Lost in the Wind: An Integrated Approach for the Recognition of Mixed Clastic-Carbonate Continental Aeolianites
Francesco Arboit
17:20-17:45 Exploring Hypotheses About Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Successions in Lacustrine Settings: A Case Study From the Yacoraite Formation (Tres Cruces, Salta Basin, Argentina)
Michele Vallati
Thursday June 23
Session 5: Old and New Petroleum Plays in Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Carbonates
8:35-9:10 Keynote: Carbonate Reservoirs of the Mediterranean
Peter Shiner
9:10-9:35 Multi-Scale Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: The Burano-Bolognano Petroleum System (Majella Massif – Central Italy).
Fabio Trippetta
9:35-10:00 Teaching Old Dogs’ New Tricks? The 4D Element of Exploring Chalk Plays – Relative Timing of the Petroleum System Maturation and Links to Carbonate Diagenesis
Richard Newport
10:00-10:25 Arous Al Bahr (A1-54/1) - Untold Success Story and Its Impact on the Exploration for Hydrocarbons in the Neighboring Areas of Offshore Sirte Basin – Libya
Imhamed I. Elhamali
10:25-10:50 Fracture Stratigraphy and Diagenetic Control on Oil First Migration in Triassic Shales, Favignana Island, Western Sicily, Italy
Simona Todaro
10:50-11:20 coffee break
Session 6: Facies & Depositional Environments of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Carbonate Platforms
11:20-11:55 Keynote: Where and What Is the Geological Control on Multiscale Petrophysical Properties in the Carbonate Subsurface?
Jeroen Kenter
11:55-12:20 Unlocking the Intricacies of the Middle Miocene Cycle III Frontier Carbonate Play in Central Luconia Province, Sarawak
Ahmad Syahir Ahmad Fuad
12:20-12:45 Isolated Carbonate Platform Types in the Mediterranean
Giovanni Rusciadelli
12:45-13:10 Reservoir Quality Assessment of Santos Basin Aptian Pre-Salt Facies From the Integration of Well Logs and Petrographic Analyses
Schrank, A.B.S.
13:10-14:20 Lunch
Session 7: Deformation Styles of Carbonate Sequences
14:20-14:55 Keynote Fracture Characterization and Fracture Modelling Lessons Learned From a Career in an International Oil and Gas Company
Pascal Richard
14:55-15:20 Sedimentological Imprint of Salt Tectonics in a Carbonate Platform Margin to Slope Setting: The Example of Plataria Syncline, Ionian Zone, NW Greece
Ioannis Vakalas
15:20-15:45 Regional Scale, Fault-Related Fluid Circulation in the Ionian Zone of the Hellenides Fold-And-Thrust Belt: Clues for Fracture Sealing in Carbonates
Luca Smeraglia
15:45-16:10 Integration of Outcrop Mapping and Seismic in 3D to Better Understand the Apulian Platform Margin and the Deformation Style (Southern Albania)
Angelo Ricciato
16:10-16:35 Quantifying Fracture Abutment With a Python Routine: From Field Data to DFN Modeling
Paul Joseph Fimbiyaha Namongo Soro
16:35-17:00 Fracture Modelling: Struggling With Different Fractured Reservoirs and Data Availability
Cristian Albertini
17:00-17:25 Multiscale Characterization of the Fracture Network Affecting the Kuh-E-Asmari Anticline (Zagros Mts., Iran), Using NetworkGT and Open-Source Aerial Images
Mercuri, M.
17.25-18:00 Final Discussion
Poster Presentations
Silicification of Pre-Salt Aptian deposits from Central Santos Basin
Elias Cembrani de Rocha
Discrete Fracture Growth Modelling Around the Geothermal GEO-01 Well, Geneva Basin, Switzerland
Pierre-Olivier Bruna
Fracture Network Characterization in Tight vs Porous Carbonates: A Case Study From the Matera High (Southern Italy)
Giovanni Freda
Fracture Stratigraphy of Mesozoic Platform Carbonates, Agri Valley, Southern Italy
Canio Manniello
Facies Modelling of a Carbonate Rock Reservoir: Insight From the Cross-Bedded Lepidocyclina Calcarenites of Bolognano Fm (Burdigalian, Majella, Central Apennines)
Marco Brandano
Reassessing Depositional Conditions of the Pre-Apulian Zone Based on Synsedimentary Deformation Structures During Upper Paleocene to Lower Miocene Carbonate Sedimentation, From Paxoi and Anti-Paxoi Islands, Northwestern End of Greece
Nicolina Bourli
Time Constraints on Hydrocarbon Migration and Uplift as Recorded by Isotopic Characteristics of Calcite Cements in Carboniferous-Permian Evaporites From the Barents Sea
Malcolm Hodgskiss
Impact of Diagenetic Processes on Carbonate Reservoir Quality, a Quantitative Approach From Sarvak Formation, SW Iran
Mostafa Sabouhi
Digital Outcrop Models of Upper Paleozoic Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Deposits, Svalbard, Arctic Norway: Strengths and Challenges
Anders Dahlin
Interwell-Scale Heterogeneity of Dolomite Bodies in an Outcrop Analogue for Arab-D Reservoirs: Insights From Petrographic, Geochemical and Drone-Based Hyperspectral Analysis
Gaurav Siddharth Gairola
Outcrop “Behind-the-Outcrop” Reveals 3D Morphology of Late Jurassic Stromatoporoid/Coral Facies of the Hanifa Reservoir
Ahmad Ramdani
Understanding Processes Governing Solution-Collapse and Subsequent Diagenetic Features
Eiving Vale
Field Seminar
Naples, Italy
Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Field Trip Leaders:
Alessandro Iannace
Stefano Tavani
Mariano Parente
(University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
Participant Limit:
Min. 10 - Max. 20

The Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Sorrento Peninsula offer wonderful outcrop analogues for the reservoirs of the Monte Alpi and Tempa Rossa oil fields of subsurface Basilicata and for fractured carbonate reservoirs of other Tethyan carbonate systems.

During this 1-day field trip we will see how the facies, diagenetic characters and stacking patterns of cyclical Barremian-Albian inner platform carbonates controls mechanical stratigraphy and fracture distribution. We will look at the fracture network at different scales, from stratabound fractures to reservoir-scale fracture corridors, combining panoramic observations of subvertical cliffs of the Mt. Faito ridge, exposing a >300m thick stratigraphic interval, with detailed observations of the same beds along roadcuts. Then, we will move to a road cut near Positano where we will observe a small-scale intraplatform basin, developed in Aptian-Albian carbonates, focusing on soft-sediment deformation, organic-rich dolostones, fault-zone architecture and breccia bodies.

Figure 1

Itinerary and Stops

Transfer from Naples to Mt Faito by minibuses (about 1h drive)

Stop 1 – Ticciano village: general introduction to the geology of the southern Apennines and to the Apennine Carbonate Platform; panorama of the Mesozoic platform carbonates of the Monte Faito ridge

Stop 2 – Croce dell’Eremita roadcut: facies and fracture distribution of Barremian-Albian inner platform interbedded dolostones-limestones


Stop 3 – Santa Maria del Castello: panoramic view of Monte Conocchia cliff: distribution and arrest of vertical through-going joints and fracture corridors in a seismic scale carbonate platform exposure

Stop 4 – roadcut north of Positano: middle Cretaceous synsedimentary tectonics, soft sediment deformation, organic-rich dolostones and breccia bodies in a small intraplatform trough.

Driving back to Naples (about 90min drive)

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Field Seminar
Naples, Italy
Friday, 24 June Saturday, 25 June 2022, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Field Trip Leaders:
Jean Borgomano – CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Michele Morsilli – University of Ferrara, Italy
€450 + VAT
Fee Includes:
Transportation during the field trip
Overnight Accommodation
Breakfast, lunch 2 days and dinner

The Gargano Promontory (southern Italy) offers the opportunity to investigate a complete carbonate facies transect from inner platform to basin and to reconstruct the various events that shaped and controlled the evolution of the Apulia Carbonate Platform during the Cretaceous and Paleogene.

This area can be considered a wonderful outcrop analog to better understand and visualize facies, depositional geometries, stratigraphic relationships and to compare them with other carbonate platforms.

The exposed carbonate rocks show well-preserved original reservoir properties and form relevant analogues of subsurface reservoirs located in different structural settings; e.g. inner platform palaeokarst (Ombrina Mare, Rospo Mare oil fields), subthrust setting (Monte Alpi, Tempa Rossa), slope, base-of-slope resedimented carbonate facies (Elsa, Miglianico, Aquila, Rovesti), as well as relevant for the comparison with the specular Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP) or other Tethyan carbonate systems.

Main goals of this field trip are the observation of the facies and stratigraphic architecture of the inner platform and of slope and base-of-slope units deposited during the Early - Late Cretaceous and Eocene, as well as the carbonate production and exporting/resedimentation processes.

The Apulia Carbonate Platform represents a well-known case study of a carbonate platform with different evolution through time. Facies distribution from inner platform to base-of-slope, stratigraphic architecture and depositional geometries, together with retreat and drowning of the platform or margin collapses, and seismic-scale outcrops, in a relatively poorly deformed context, constitute a text book examples of a Cretaceous Carbonate System.

Itinerary and Stops
Day 1

Naples (or Bari airport) to Apricena by bus (travel about 3 h)

Stop 1.1 - Apricena quarries district: stop on peritidal cycles of Lower Cretaceous, fractured and karst reservoir (outcrop analog of the Rospo Mare oil field).


Stop 1.2 - Belvedere di Ruggiano: stop on scalloped/faulted platform margin of mid-Cretaceous and base of slope to basin facies associations.

Night in Monte Sant’Angelo

Day 2

Stop 2.1 Monte Sant’Angelo: slope to basin facies of the Lower Cretaceous and facies observation of the resedimented succession of the Upper Cretaceous.


Stop 2.2 Monte Sant’Angelo to Manfredonia road – Upper Cretaceous slope to base of slope facies and architecture of the systems.

Stop 2.3 (optional) - Monte Saraceno-Mattinata: panoramic view of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sequence and Valanginian retreating/drowning of the Apulia Platform and depositional geometries of the Eocene clinoforms.

End of the Excursion (travel to Naples or Bari airport)

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Carbonate Sequences and Reservoirs
Palazzo Caracciolo Napoli
Via Carbonara, 112
NaplesNapoli 80139
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