Visiting Geoscientists visit AAPG chapters in China

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

From Oct.30th to Nov.16th, 2015, with the help of AAPG Young Professionals Beijing, AAPG-VGP-CRT 2015(American Association of Petroleum Geologists--Visiting Geoscientist Program-China Road Trip 2015) finished successfully,. It was dominated by the AAPG student Chapter in China University of Petroleum (Beijing). Four other student chapters -China University of Petroleum (Hua Dong), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Southwest Petroleum University, and Chengdu University of Technology - were engaged in these events.

Three geologists (Visiting Geoscientists) who visited China University of Petroleum (Beijing) were Mr. Luo Qinmin (Kevin) from Chevron, Mr. Dwandari Ralanarko from CNOOC Indonesia Branch and Mr. Liu Zengqin (Alex). Alex Liu is the AAPG-YP (Young Professionals) and President of the China region in AAPG. During their visit, we organized a variety of exchange activities. Mr. Dwandari exchanged his ideas with us on the development of the AAPG student chapters, the cooperation between the AAPG Headquarters with our chapter, the support for students and other issues. In addition, Kevin, Dwandari and Alex delivered career planning lectures based on their working experience for students, the themes are “Career Development Planning In Current Business Environment”,“How to start and develop our geoscientist career in the middle of global economic and energy crisis” and “The influence of international oil companies on the upper reaches for jobs in China”. They answered confusing questions by students patiently and got high opinions for their responses.

Moreover, Mr. Dwandari successively participated in a field geology investigation on Paleozoic section at Xiaweidian, Mentougou in Beijing; He showed interesting pictures about different reasonable geological interpretation and encouraged students to build up their own geological interpretation with confidence in China University of Petroleum (east China) in Qingdao, Shandong; He introduced the development of CNOOC to students in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan); Mr. Dwandari was invited to participate the 1st Geology Theory and Technology Innovation Youth International Academic Forum and AAPG SC of Southwest Petroleum University Inaugural Ceremony. In the conference, he awarded the card and flag to AAPG SC of Southwest Petroleum University. On the last day, Mr. Dwandari joined in the field geology investigation on Emei Mountain organized by Southwest Petroleum University.

This program, which lasted more than 2 weeks, ended with the completion of investigation on Emei Mountain. During this period, we have established a deep friendship with Mr. Dwandari, Mr. Kevin and Mr. Alex. This is not only an international joint exchange activity, but also a great opportunity to broaden horizons and meet new friends. Finally, as the organizer, we are very grateful to the AAPG headquarters for the unique opportunity .We also thank Mr. Dwandari, Mr. Kevin and Mr. Alex for their visit. Thanks to YP Beijing and student chapters from four colleges for the full support of the event!

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