"Influence of Volcanism and Associated Magmatic Processes on Petroleum Systems"

Only One Month to Submit Your Abstract

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Influence of Volcanism and Associated Magmatic Processes on Petroleum Systems

14-16 March 2017 | Oamaru, New Zealand

Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 July 2016

Review the abstract submission instructions before submitting abstracts to .

Tentative Workshop Sessions:
  • Volcanic and igneous intrusive structures.
  • Igneous activity, source rock maturation and charge.
  • Volcanic and volcaniclastic oil and gas reservoirs.
  • Interactions between magmatic features and enclosing depositional systems.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
  • Nick Schofield
    • Senior Lecturer in Igneous and Petroleum Geology; Director of Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, University of Aberdeen, UK
    • Tentative paper title "Volcanic and Igneous Intrusive Structures in Sedimentary Basins: Morphology and Modes of Emplacement"
  • Dougal Jerram
    • Consultant/Director - Dougalearth Ltd., Prof II Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), Oslo, Norway
    • Tentative paper title “Volcanic facies and rock properties: understanding lavas and volcaniclastics in the subsurface"
  • Jane Newman
    • Newman Energy Research Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
    • Paper title: “A Petrography-based Model of Igneous and Hydrothermal Activity in Diverse Petroleum Basins”
  • Simon Holford
    • Senior Lecturer in Petroleum Geoscience and Director of Research, Australian School of Petroleum, Adelaide, Australia
    • Paper title: “Impacts of magmatic systems on hydrocarbon prospectivity: examples for the southern and western Australian margins”
  • Sverre Planke
    • Professor II, Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), University of Oslo, Norway, Norway
    • Tentative paper title “An overview of petroleum exploration in settings where igneous systems are involved”
Field Trip Details

The field trip is organized privately by the technical committee and is a non-AAPG activity. AAPG assists with marketing of the field trip. Registration for the field trip is open only to GTW Delegates and should be made when registering for the GTW. Registration fee (when available) will encompass the field trip component; there will be no “workshop-only” fee should a delegate not attend the field trip.

The field trip will visit local outcrops of basaltic pillow lavas, seamounts, and feeder dykes and sills into an Oligocene carbonate shelf. Features similar to those seen in outcrop can be observed in seismic sections and exploration wells offshore in the late Cretaceous and Tertiary Canterbury basin and so are representative of the effects of volcanism on the petroleum system. The pyroclastic deposits around the seamounts may function either as reservoirs or as seals and their emplacement clearly affected the distribution of carbonate reservoir facies around the seamounts on and around the volcanic platform. Local intrusions interact with carbonate minerals and seawater producing local to regional diagenetic changes possibly also affecting maturation. Delegates will be taken to outcrop localities that will show all of these features.

More details will be made available in due course.

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