The winner of AAPG IBA Competition for Asia Pacific Region

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Congratulation to The University of Indonesia (UI) for winning the AAPG Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) Competition for Asia Pacific Region and is therefore invited to come to AAPG Annual Conference in SAN ANTONIO on April 17-19 for the final process competing with other winning teams from Europe, America, and Africa. Please see bellow detail about AAPG IBA competition.

The team, that is made up by 5 graduate students, from Reservoir Geophysics School of the University of Indonesia, under the supervision of Dr. Abdul Haris as group advisor, worked on geophysics and geologic data provided by AAPG for approximately 6-8 weeks and came up with a respectable G&G analysis. During the project, LANDMARK-HALLIBURTON Indonesia sponsored them with a full suite of G&G applications and office workshop to be used by the students.

For Asia Pacific level, UI confronted other universities in the region such as Peking University (China), Nanjing University (China), Indian Institute of Technology (India), Padjadjaran University (Indonesia), Brawijaya University (Indonesia), and Gadjahmada University (Indonesia), which was panel-judged by three respective experts, they were Joseph Lambiase (Lambiase LTD, Singapore), John Kaldi (The University of Adelaide, Australia), and Denis Ngoc Than (The University of Malaya, Malaysia).

Again, congratulation to UI team for the job well done and wishing you the best luck for the final in SAN ANTONIO, United State.

Geovani C Kaeng
AAPG Asia Pacific Region
Student Chapter Affairs Coordinator


AAPG Imperial Barrel Award Program

AAPG’s Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual prospect evaluation competition created for geoscience graduate students. The program is rigorous and contributes to AAPG’s mission of promoting petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students. University teams analyze a dataset in 6-8 weeks prior to the competition and deliver their results in a 30-minute presentation to a panel of industry experts. Students gain experience using real technology on a real dataset. Additionally, students benefit from feedback from the industry panel, the opportunity to impress potential employers in the audience, and the chance to win cash prizes for their schools.


The ‘Barrel Award’ has been part of the MSc Petroleum Geoscience course at Imperial College for the past 30 years. Started in 1976, the program originally focused on the North Sea — a frontier basin where interpretations required using color pencils. Today, Imperial and the IBA use new technology to provide students a unique learning experience using data sets from basins around the world.

Although the technology has changed, the key learning elements of the program remain remarkably similar to the original concepts pioneered by Imperial College. Teams must demonstrate: (1) evidence of rigorous and creative technical evaluations, (2) the ability to work to a strict deadline, (3) the ability to work effectively within a team (4) the ability to make decisions based on incomplete data, and (5) the ability to give convincing oral presentations to a panel of industry experts.

Program Specifics

Team makeup: 5 graduate students (preferably masters-level students, but up to 2 Ph.D. students) plus 1 faculty advisor as team coach.

  • Regional in scale.
  • 2D and 3D seismic data.
  • Well data (may include: petrophysical logs, cores, core analysis results, pressures, fluids, well tests, etc.), and other data.
  • Schools may choose from one of two data sets provided by the IBA committee via DVD or external drive, which are mailed to participating schools during the first week of January.
  • Schools may provide their own datasets as long as they are approved by the IBA technical subcommittee. Any outside dataset used is automatically donated to the IBA technical library for future IBA competitions and will be restricted to future IBA competitions.
  • Evaluation goals:
  • Complete a technical assessment of the basin’s petroleum potential.
  • Define the key plays, petroleum systems and leads/prospects
  • Recommend a “drill” or “no drill” plan for future exploration activity based on prevailing technical and economic conditions for a new farm-in opportunity.
How It Works

Universities compete in an AAPG Region or Section semi-final competition. The top team from each Region and Section competes at the Imperial Barrel Award competition at the AAPG Annual Meeting.

For Asia Pacific regional competition, team must provide the judging panel oral presentation on DVD and ship to below three judging panel:

Joseph lambiase
Lambiase Geoscience Pte. Ltd., 500J Marine Parade Road #24-42, Singapore 449291

John Kaldi
Australian School of Petroleum
The University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005, AUSTRALIA

Denis Tan Ngoh Kiat
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

AAPG and corporate sponsors provide funds for the university teams’ transportation, housing, and convention registration for 5 students and 1 faculty advisor to participate in the final competition at the AAPG Annual Meeting.

Competition Logistics: (All judging panels are made up of 3 judges each.)

  • Preliminary Competition (Friday): Judging Panel #1 hears 7 presentations (3 Section Teams, 3 Region Teams, and 1 Wildcard Team) and chooses the top 3 teams from that group. Judging Panel #2 does the same for a group of teams of similar makeup. These top 6 teams advance to the Final.
  • Final Competition (Saturday): Judging Panel #3 hears the top 6 team presentations and selects the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winning teams.
  • Student Reception and Awards Ceremony (Monday)

Awards are given to the winning teams–

  • 1st: The Imperial Barrel Award (plus $20,000)
  • 2nd: The Selley Cup (plus $10,000)
  • 3rd: The Stoneley Medal (plus $5,000)
  • Honorable Mentions: 11 remaining teams receive $1000 each

Each school is provided with:

  • A copy of the college introduction write-up.
  • Rules and regulations.
  • A copy of the judging sheet.
  • A copy of an actual student presentation
  • A copy of the lecture PowerPoint by Dr. Howard Johnson, introducing the program.
  • A DVD of the specific dataset for each school.
General Timetable
  • Now: Contact Carol McGowen, Mike Mlynek, or your local AAPG Section or Region representative for IBA application information. Application forms will also be available on the IBA website ( on October 15, 2007.
  • December 1: Deadline for submitting completed application forms with technical dataset requirements to Mike Mlynek
  • January 3-10: Competition datasets sent to participating schools.
  • Feb.15-Mar.15: AAPG Section and Region Semi-Final competitions
  • By March 21 : AAPG Section/Region Local Coordinator notifies Mike Mlynek, AAPG Student Program Coordinator, of winning team to attend Final Competition in San Antonio. Mike Mlynek coordinates travel logistics with team advisor or coordinator.
  • April 18, 19 & 21: Preliminary (Friday), Final Competition (Saturday), and Student Reception and Awards Ceremony (Monday)

Imperial Barrel Award student participants receive a real world career development experience with their performance judged by industry experts. Winning teams travel free to the premier industry event to network with both future colleagues and future employers. IBA offers students and their faculty advisor a chance to win accolades for themselves and cash prizes for their schools.

Geoscience graduate students are encouraged to explore a career in the energy industry by participating in the 2008 Imperial Barrel Award Program.

2008 AAPG IBA Chairperson:
Connie Mongold
clmongold [at]

AAPG Student Program Coordinator
Mike Mlynek
students [at]

AAPG Sections and Regions Manager
Carol McGowen
cmcgowen [at]

2008 AAPG IBA Technical Subcommittee:
Dr. Howard Johnson
h.d.johnson [at]

Asia Pacific Committee Contact
Joe Lambiase
joe_lambiase [at]

Asia Pacific Student Chapter Coordinator
Geovani C Kaeng
Geovani.Christopher [at]

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