Young Professionals

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Akin Okuboyejo
Akin Okuboyejo

My name is Akin Okuboyejo and I am the current AAPG Young Professional (YP) Lead for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region. I am part of a global YP committee that includes a total of 12 Regions/Sections and their Leads across the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. My responsibilities as the YP Lead for my region include (but are not limited to) helping to foster a challenging and successful career in the energy industry for recent university graduates and early career earth scientists, provide a series of unique services to AAPG YP members, retain & increase our current YP membership and promote interaction communication between AAPG student & YP members. In order to achieve these goals, it is my duty as the YP Lead to have open communications with students about careers in earth sciences, identify & serve early career needs of young geo-scientists, provide opportunities for networking, career guidance, learning & enhancing professional competence, support & encourage applications for AAPG membership when eligibility requirements are met, and encourage young leaders to run as Delegate candidates for the Region.

Egypt Young Professionals

YPs in Egypt have been providing educational support to students across Egypt. Some of these events and activities have become annually run events which have seen visible increase in participation and industry support over the years, and include Discover Egypt, the IBA simulation, the Gain n Give Program and several field trips.

‘I have been part of AAPG Africa Region since 2008 when I was University of Cairo Student Chapter Media member. In those five years while at the university, I learned much and enhanced several of my skills. Since then I have been volunteering as a YP for AAPG Africa. I coordinate Student and YP activities and help spread the idea of volunteering.

For me, AAPG has given me a great learning opportunity which I am thankful for, and I look forward to greater experiences with AAPG Africa’. – Ola A. Adly (Young Professionals Coordinator, North Africa)

The Exciting World of Geology

The Exciting World of geology was designed by NAPE/AAPG Young Professionals (YP) as a geoscience outreach programme targeted at high school students across the Africa Region. The objective is to create early awareness and encourage possible interest in pursuing a career in the geosciences. The outreach programme started with educating student leaders who attended the Local Student Chapters Leadership Summit – L-SCLS and YP Sessions at the 2013 NAPE conference in Lagos on the need to introduce the Exciting World to secondary Schools across Africa. Each Student Chapter was given 3 CDs titled ‘Exciting World of Geology’ containing presentations and ten short geoscience video clips.

AAPG Africa Region, her student chapters and individual geoscience students have reached out to over seven schools in Nigeria and Uganda since creation.

Are you interested in a geoscience career talk at your high school? Arrange for a presentation by sending an email request to

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