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AAPG Women's Network

AAPG Women's Network

The AAPG Women's Network was previously known as PROWESS.

The AAPG Women's Network (AAPGWN) is a special interest group made up of men and women who are dedicated to promoting the technical and professional prowess of AAPG's women members.

Current activities include hosting networking events and short courses at ACE and ICE conferences, nominating women for AAPG awards, partnering with sister organizations, creating media materials to highlight the careers of women geoscientists and more.

To join AAPGWN, navigate to the AAPG N.E.T. and click Join. You must have or create a free AAPG account to join a Special Interest Group (SIG). SIG membership is free to all AAPG members and is free for one year from the join date for individuals who have not yet joined AAPG.

Follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.


The mission of AAPGWN is to make a positive difference, provide guidance, support, increase participation and promote the advancement of women in geosciences and the Energy Industry. The emphasis will be on education, outreach, support, leadership development, and ultimately, retention and engagement. The AAPGWN will interact with men and women in geoscience, their peers and employers, educational institutions, and professional societies to accomplish this mission.


The vision of the AAPGWN is to lift the status of women in the petroleum geosciences such that women’s issues become non-issues.



Nicole Gonzalez
Nicole Gonzalez CO_CHAIR (713) 458-8923
Katerina Yared
Katerina Yared CO-CHR Petrophysicist P.G. PMP 7204317482 (720) 431-7482

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AAPGWN Contacts

Adriane Hausher
Adriane Hausher Programs Coordinator Coordinator Programs Coordinator, AAPG (918) 560-2664
Susie Nolen
Susie Nolen Programs Team Leader, AAPG +1 918 560-2634