Initially your group would need...
- At least six AAPG Student members within your geoscience department.
- A Faculty Advisor who is a ‘Member’ or ‘Associate’ of AAPG and a professor at the university willing to serve as faculty advisor. If a Faculty Advisor isn't an AAPG Member and would like to become one, they may be eligible for dues sponsorship from Chevron.
Gather the following information and submit it to the AAPG headquarters:
- Name of Faculty Advisor with membership ID number and email address.
- List of your Executive Committee with email addresses and AAPG membership ID numbers. (President (must be an AAPG member), Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
- Official name of your chapter with complete mailing address (Examples:
University of Aberdeen Chapter of the AAPG, Muckers Coterie- University
of California at Santa Barbara, or Kansas State University AAPG Student
- List of student chapter member names with AAPG membership ID numbers and email address. (Your chapter must have 6 active AAPG Student members.)
Questions? Ready to start your own student chapter? Contact an AAPG Programs Coordinator at [email protected].