American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

AAPG Publications

AAPG's mission is to provide members, other geoscientists, and, in some cases, nongeologists with timely and useful publications at the lowest possible cost. There have been several series of books published by AAPG: Memoirs, Studies in Geology, Archie, Hedberg, Methods in Exploration, and general Special Publications. To date, more than 280 books have been published by AAPG.

In order to provide the widest possible variety of geoscience petroleum publications to its customers, in addition to its own books AAPG also carries titles from several other publishers, including the Geological Society of London, Cambridge University Press, and PennWell Publishing. For a full listing of available titles, visit

Currently, AAPG is publishing in the Memoir series only. All AAPG publications go through a proposal application process overseen by the AAPG Books Editorial Board and Elected Editor before being accepted for publication, and then all invited chapters of those approved books go through an additional stringent peer review process before being accepted for publication. AAPG publishes hard copy books, as well as hybrid combinations of hard copy and digital.

Book Ahead of Print is AAPG’s exciting new method of book delivery. Finished Memoir chapters are published online as Pay-Per-View PDFs during the assembly of the volume, which means that authors no longer have to wait on their colleagues to reap the benefits of citation, and readers have the earliest possible access to research.

Memoir editors receive a total of 15 complimentary copies of the book. Memoir chapter authors receive a PDF of their finished chapter and can purchase copies of the book at a 15% discount off the AAPG Member Sales Price, regardless of their AAPG member status.

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