Membership Approval Takes on New Shape

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

In the middle of August we revamped the active membership applicants area of the website.

Previously, this list was published in the Explorer and added on line. Now, it is updated the minute these applications are approved for publication.

Why does this matter?

Primarily because it shortens the wait period for being granted “active” status as a member of the AAPG. The 60-day review period of the application process is now exactly 60 days. Before it could be as long as 90 due to the cycle of the printed publication of the Explorer.

Now, once the application process is completed and reaches the review period then the record immediately is accessible on this website.

Handy Features

There are a couple of handy features I’d like to point out.

The list displays in chronological order with the most recent applicants displayed first. When the 60 days of public review end the names fall off the bottom of the list.

We understand you might prefer to view these names in a different order. The header row of this table is interactive. This means you may click on a row header and the information will sort by that column.

Additionally, if you hold the shift key down it will sort by both columns selected.

So, to sort this information by state, city and name click on the “state” column. Hold the shift key down and click on the “city” column. Then, while still holding the shift key down, click on the “name” column.

To clear your sort refresh your page and you may begin again.

Good browsing!

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