Petrophysics of Carbonates: Refreshers Are Vital

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Our understanding of carbonates changes daily as many “shales” are, in reality, carbonates, and we use petrophysics in conjunction with other information in order to determine rock properties as well as fluid content. Check out our latest e-symposium on Carbonate Petrophysics by Dr. Michael Holmes which will take place on February 21, and learn the following:

The overall objective of this E-symposium is to review the petrophysics of carbonates, including the “new carbonates” in resource plays. The course will review core data, petrophysical comparisons, rock physics modeling (including pseudo logs and mechanical properties). Topics covered will include:

Basic Petrophysics:
  • What do we need to know about carbonates?
  • What makes carbonates different?
  • Porosity Logs
  • Resistivity Logs
  • Gamma Ray
  • SP
Lithology of carbonates and well logs:
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Dolomitic carbonates
  • Clay minerals in carbonates
  • Cherty carbonates
Carbonate textures and well logs / petrophysics:
  • Examples
  • Significance
Interpretations – The Basics with a focus on carbonates
  • Shale calculations
  • Porosity calculations
  • Resistivity/Porosity cross plots to solve Archie’s equation
  • Influence of clays
  • Saturation determination
  • Permeability estimates
Cores vs. well logs
  • Examples
  • Issues
Petrophysics of Carbonates as they relate to seismic
  • Examples
  • Key issues
Carbonate Petrophysics and Reservoir Characterization
  • Basic concepts and issues

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