Women In Geosciences Forum - ICE Cancun 2016

Take Control of Your Career: Surviving and Thriving In The Industry Downturn

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

"How to Diversify and Take Control of Your Career During a Downturn,” a special forum featuring a diverse, interactive panel, will be offered by the AAPG Professional Women in Geosciences (PROWESS) Committee and the SEG Women's Network Committee at ICE Cancun 2016.

The panelists will share valuable personal lessons and discuss the best ways for men, women and students to “ride out” the ups and downs of the oil and gas price cycle – and also how to identify and initiate the best steps toward seizing control of your career. This material is geared toward professionals at all stages in their career, including students.

The forum will be facilitated by Susan Morrice, renowned founder and chairman of Belize Natural Energy.

Panelists will include:
  • Sylvia Anjos, geoscience director for Petrobras Exploration & Production; Vice President of the AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region.
  • Elena Centeno, director, Institute of Geology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
  • Maitri Erwin, manager, Global Exploration New Ventures – South America, CNOOC Nexen Limited; chair, Society of Exploration Geophysicist Women's Network Committee.
  • Robbie Gries, Owner of Denver-based Priority Oil and Gas LLC; past president of AAPG.
  • Victor Ramirez, Northern Caribbean Offshore Exploration Lead for Ecopetrol; past president of the AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region.

The forum will be held from 18:00-21:00 on Wednesday, 7 September, at the Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun. The cost is US $50 – attendance is limited to 150 – and includes hors d'oeuvres, beverages and a great chance to network. More details here.

And we thank Belize Natural Energy for supporting student participation.

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