How do I vote for Executive Committee officers?

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

8166 Desktop

First, we need to establish if you have the privilege to vote. Only a person with the status of "Member" of the Association may cast a ballot. This means after becoming an Associate member of AAPG, you have submitted a formal application to the Executive Committee of the AAPG for acceptance as an AAPG Member. This requires three endorsements and your application is reviewed by the AAPG Executive Committee for meeting the training and experience requirements described in the AAPG Constitution and Bylaws (C&BL).

You may vote? Great!

Go back to your email Inbox and look for an email from You should have received this email on 3 March 2014. If you do not find it, check your junk mail for the correspondence.

This email holds the direct link into the voting area managed by a third party for the Association as required by the AAPG’s C&BL.

If you cannot find this email, please at 918 560-2622 for assistance.

Additional Assistance

Phone: 1 918 584-2555 - Toll Free US & Canada: 1 800 364 2274
Please contact Customer Experience Center with all your questions; we will answer to the best of our abilities or direct you to a staff member best suited to take care of your request.

FAQ Topics

See Also: Explorer Readers Forum

Explorer Readers Forum AAPG Bylaws Fundamentals: What is the Ethics Committee For? AAPG Bylaws Fundamentals: What is the Ethics Committee For? Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/houston-bill-18.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 63257

See Also: FAQ