Candidate for ()

Laura Johnson
Anschutz Exploration Corporation


Laura Johnson, Candidate for Secretary
38393 Added on
Meet Laura Johnson, 2017 Candidate for AAPG Secretary
38374 Added on

I accepted the invitation to be a candidate for an AAPG office because AAPG means a lot to me. I want to give back to the organization with my most valuable asset: time. I also want to help support the advancement of our wonderful association. AAPG has been a vital part of my career and professional development in the petroleum industry. I have learned skills and connected with many wonderful people through AAPG. I have developed great friendships, mentor and mentee relationships all through AAPG. My membership in AAPG has not only allowed me to grow as a geologist, but as person. It is because of these great experiences that I am willing and honored to give back to the association by running for Secretary. This position is a task that I have the skills and ability to serve the association. My previous volunteer experience has prepared me to take on this leadership position.

Academic Degrees

  • 2010: Master of Science, Geology, Colorado School of Mines - while working full-time
  • 2004: Bachelor of Science, Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines


  • 2015-present: Senior Geologist, Anschutz Exploration Corporation, Denver Colorado, USA
  • 2010-15: Staff Geologist, Newfield Exploration Compnay, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • 2003-10: Senior Geologist, QEP Resources (formerly Questar Market Resources), Denver, Colorado, USA


AAPG Activities

  • Joined AAPG: 2003
  • 2013-19: HoD committee Delagate, RMAG Delegate foreman/chair 2016-19
  • 2015-present: RMS Coordinator, Visiting Geoscientist Program
  • 2016-17: HoD Ad Hoc Committee on Future Directives
  • 2015-16:HoD Ad Hoc Participation Committee
  • 2014-16: Ad Hoc Committee on Governance
  • 2015: AAPG Annual Meeting Denver, CO Session Chair
  • 2014: RMS-AAPG Denver Section Meeting General Co-Chair
  • 2014: RMS-AAPG Denver Section Meeting Session Chair
  • 2008-12: RMS IBA Planning Committee Member
  • 2003-04: Secretary Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter

AAPG Honors & Awards


  • Longman, M. W., Johnson, L. A. M., 2014, Island Butte Field: RMAG Oil and Gas Fields of Colorado
  • Coalson, E. B., Johnson L. A. M., 2014, McClean ("Cutthroat") Field: RMAG Oil and Gas Fields of Colorado
  • Johnson, L. A. M., Rountree, J., Shemeta, J., 2014, Newfield's Williston Buried Array Microseismic: Pushing the Envelope and Integrating Data: Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG Annual meeting, Denver, CO
  • Johnson, L. A. M., Sha, G., Kocman, K. B., Cole, S., Wray, L. L., Longman, M. W., 2014, Visual and Analytical Comparisons of Upper Pronghorn "Shale" Cores from a West-to-East Transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota: Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG Annual meeting, Denver, CO
  • Wray, L. L., Longman, M. W., Kocman, K. B., Johnson, L. A. M., Sha, G., Cole, S., 2014, Visual and Analytical Comparisons of Upper Bakken "Shale" Cores from a West-to-East Transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota: Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG Annual meeting, Denver, CO
  • Kocman, K. B., Longman, M. W., Johnson, L. A. M., Sha, G., Wray, L. L., Cole, S., 2014, Visual and Analytical Comparisons of Lower Bakken "Shale" Cores from a West-to-East Transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota: Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG Annual meeting, Denver, CO
  • Mauro, L. A., Alanis, K. R., Longman, M. W., Rigatti, V., 2010, Discussion of the Upper Cretaceous Baxter Shale Gas Reservoir, Vermillion Basin, Northwest Colorado and Adjacent Wyoming: AAPG Hedberg Conference Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays, Austin, TX
  • Mauro, L. A., and Longman, M.W., 2007, Anatomy of Tight Gas Sandstone: Upper Lance Core from Pinedale Field, Green River Basin Sublette County Wyoming: RMS-AAPG, Snowbird, UT

Section 6. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the actions of the Executive Committee; shall keep possession of the corporate seal and affix the same; and, subject to Executive Committee approval, shall have policy oversight of all non-technical and non-peer reviewed publications and communications. The Secretary shall perform other duties as may be directed by the Executive Committee.

Other Candidate

General Info

Candidates for AAPG office have been given the opportunity to respond briefly to the subject: "Why I Accepted the Invitation to be a Candidate for an AAPG Office."

Their responses and biographical information were provided by each candidate and edited only for grammar, spelling and format.

This information will also be provided as hard-copy in an early issue of the EXPLORER and available on the AAPG website through the election period. Ballots will be mailed, online in the first quarter of each year. Results will be posted mid-May.

Candidates were asked to limit their biographies to 350 words and responses to 500 words.

See Also