Jim Tucker
Geological Consultant
Academic Degrees

  • 1980 – M.S., Geology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
  • 1974 – B.A., Geology, Rice University, Houston


  • 2012-Present – Geological Consultant, Houston
  • 2002-12 – Geological Specialist, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  • 2000-02 – Chief Geologist, Computational Geology, Houston
  • 1997-99 – Integrated Studies Manager/Manager-Reservoir Services, CGG Americas, Houston
  • 1978-2015 – Geologist/Senior Staff Geologist/Exploration Planning Director, Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), Dallas, Tulsa, Houston, Los Angeles, Plano, Texas
  • 1974 – Summer Geologist, Mobil Oil
  • 1972 – Shale shaker, desolater, and mud centrifuge fabrication and service, Milchem Drilling Controls, Robstown, Texas


AAPG Activities

  • Joined AAPG 1974
  • Certified Petroleum Geologist
  • Member DPA
  • 2020-22 – HoD Membership Committee
  • 2020-21 – Affiliated Society Presidents (President)
  • 2019 – Foundation Trustee Associate
  • 2014-16 – Treasurer, AAPG Executive Committee
    • EC liaison for Datapages Board, Group Insurance Committee and Investment Committee; and chair for Audit Review, and Budget and Finance committees
  • 2009-15 – AAPG/SEG Cooperation Ad Hoc Committee
  • 2007-09 – Secretary, AAPG Middle East Region 2001-04 – Education Committee
  • 2000-05 – Mentor Committee
  • 1990-95 – AAPG Associate Editor
HoD Activities
  • He has been a delegate or alternate delegate since 1985, representing societies in Los Angeles, Dallas and Houston and serving on numerous committees.
  • He was an HoD At-Large Member in 2014-16.
  • He currently is a delegate for the Middle East Region.
Professional Affiliations
  • Houston Geological Society (committees, Editor and President)
  • Geological Society of America
  • American Geophysical Union
  • YBRA.

AAPG Honors & Awards

  • 2020– HoD 9 Year Certificate of Service


Articles or abstracts on the Ouachitas, Southeast Turkey, offshore Ghana, prospect portfolio analysis, seismic inversion, subsurface temperatures and dip analysis.

Executive Committee