Honorary Member of the House

The highest award of the House, presented at the annual meeting in recognition of a record of consistent, dedicated, and exemplary service to the House of Delegates through committee work and officer service (not required). Annual presentation is not required and there shall be no limitation of the number of annual recipients. Past recipients shall be invited to and publicly recognized at the annual meeting.



Margaret Anne C. Rogers

Deborah K. Sacrey

Donald Watson Lewis


Lawrence H. Wickstrom

Peter Mark Lloyd


James S. McGhay

David G. Campbell


Jeffrey William Lund

Dwight McClintock Moore


Robert Randolph Ray


Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Sigrunn Johnsen


Donald Dean Clarke

George Robert Bole


Edward Wyman Heath


David Harold Hawk


Larry L. Jones


John Richard Hogg


Martin D. Hewitt


Terry L. Hollrah


Edward D. Dolly, PhD


Valary L. Schulz


Daniel Lester Smith


Royce P. Carr


Thomas Mairs


Willard R. Green


Martha Lou Broussard


Patrick John F. Gratton

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Rules and Procedures for Granting Awards
  1. All awards shall be given only to recognize persons for their service to the house of delegates.
  2. Current membership in the House of Delegates is not required.
  3. The Honors and Awards Committee shall prepare the title, description of and qualifications for any new award proposed by the committee to be established, and shall forward the same to the rules and procedures committee. All awards will be presented in the year following the year the award is established.
  4. All awards shall be established by amendment to these rules and procedures.
  5. No Honors and Awards Committee member shall receive an award while serving on that committee.
  6. No AAPG Member shall receive more than one House award in any one year. A Member being voted two or more such awards in the same year shall retain the highest award and relinquish the lower one(s). The award ranking shall be 1) Honorary Member, 2) Distinguished Member, and 3) Long Service. This shall not preclude that member from receiving one or more of the other awards at a later time. No current holder of or candidate for any AAPG office, no current holder of or candidate for any HoD office, no immediate past chair of the HoD, no president or candidate for president of any AAPG Division, and no candidate for a position on the Advisory Council may be nominated for an HoD award except an HoD Recognition of Service Award.

HoD Awards

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