Honors and Awards Committee-HoD

The honors and awards committee shall consist of one member from each region and section. The committee chair shall be appointed from among the members. The members and the committee chair shall serve staggered two-year terms. Only candidates selected by this committee may receive awards, and each award is subject to approval by majority vote of the chair, chair-elect and the secretary/editor.

Each year the committee shall submit a confidential report to the chair-elect listing the individuals considered that year for an award but were unavailable or ineligible for such award. The report shall be provided by the chair-elect to the honors and awards committee serving during his or her term of office; provided, however, that the report shall at all times be kept confidential.

The honors and awards committee shall forward names of all candidates to the chair of the house of delegates for consideration by October 31 of each year as the recipient of the following:

  • Honorary Member of the House – The highest award of the house, presented at the annual meeting in recognition of a record of consistent, dedicated and exemplary service to the house of delegates through committee work and officer service (not required). Annual presentation is not required and there shall be no limitation of the number of annual recipients. Past recipients shall be invited to and publicly recognized at the annual meeting.
  • Distinguished Member of the House – Presented in recognition of the unique or exemplary service to the house through committee work. Chairing of committees and service as an officer will be considered, but not required. Annual presentation is not required and there shall be no limitation of the number of annual recipients.
  • House Recognition of Service – Presented yearly to the outgoing chair of the House of Delegates and secretary/editor at the end of their term of office.

The Distinguished Member of the House and Honorary Member of the House awards shall be presented at the award ceremony at the AAPG annual meeting.

Rules and Procedures for Granting Awards

  1. All awards shall be given only to recognize persons for their service to the house of delegates.
  2. Current membership in the house of delegates is not required.
  3. The honors and awards committee shall prepare the title, description of and qualifications for any new award proposed by the committee to be established and shall forward the same to the rules and procedures committee. All awards will be presented in the year following the year the award is established.
  4. All awards shall be established by amendment to these rules and procedures.
  5. No honors and awards committee member shall receive an award while serving on that committee.
  6. No AAPG Member shall receive more than one house award in any one year. A Member being voted two or more such awards in the same year shall retain the highest award and relinquish the lower one(s). The award ranking shall be 1) Honorary Member, and 2) Distinguished Member. This shall not preclude that member from receiving one or more of the other awards at a later time. No current holder of or candidate for any AAPG office, no current holder of or candidate for any HOD office, no immediate past chair of the HOD, no president or candidate for president of any AAPG Division, and no candidate for a position on the Advisory Council may be nominated for an HOD award except an HOD Recognition of Service Award.


Patrick James Gooding Patrick James Gooding Chair 2024-2025 Retired
Richard Leroy Adams Committee Member 2024-2025 Carr Resources
Henry Mosimabale Agbogun CANADA Committee Member 2024-2025
Salah S. El-Ekhfifi AFRICA Committee Member 2024-2025 NOC Libya
Kenneth Paul Helmold PACIFIC Committee Member 2024-2026 retired
Michael Arthur Simms GULF COAST Committee Member 2024-2026
Vicki L. Beighle Staff Liaison 2019-2099 AAPG


Honorary Member of the House

Distinguished Member of the House

Long Service Award

Recognition of Service


House of Delegates Chair (2020-21)


House of Delegates Secretary/Editor (2020-21)

Recipients of 15 Year Certificates

  • William Martin Whiting
    New Orleans Geol. Soc.

Recipients of 9 Year Certificates

  • Scott Towers Hector
    Sacramento Petr. Assn.
  • Claudia Petra Ludwig
    Panhandle Geol. Soc.
  • William Jack Ehni
    Nevada Petr. & Geothermal Soc.
  • Anne C. Draucker
    San Joaquin GS

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The Honors and Awards Committee is made up of nine dedicated and committed individuals representing five Sections and three Regions.
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The committee is made up of a diverse group of dedicated and committed individuals appointed by the chair of the House of Delegates and spanning a large geographic area from Paris, France to Nova Scotia, Canada, to California.

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The HoD Honors and Awards Committee consists of 10 members, which encompass the many Regions and Sections of AAPG from all over the globe. These members have served in several different leadership positions within AAPG and their local societies. Their commitment to bring forth the highest honors to those who have paved the way for our great organization has been exceptional. 

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The Honors and Awards Committee has worked diligently across the oceans and time zones to bring forth the highest awards for 2014 for the House of Delegates.


2019-20 Honors and Awards Committee Report

HoD Committees