The author(s) need not be a Member of the Association. If some of the material in the article has been published previously, there must have been substantive additional material in the AAPG Bulletin publication.
Guidelines for Consideration of Candidates
The elected Editor will solicit recommendations from the Associate Editors; however, recommendations are welcome from all sources.
Procedure for Recommendation
Nomination forms, with publication reference of the article, should be submitted to the Editor before March 1 following the year of publication. The Editor will forward his recommendations to the Chairman of the Honors and Awards Committee. Its recommendations are transmitted to the Advisory Council which will in turn transmit its selection to the Executive Committee for final action.
Description of Award
The award is $1,500.00 cash and a certificate bearing the recipient’s name, the title of the award-winning article, and the appropriate bibliographical reference. Co-authors share equally.
The Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award was approved by Executive Committee action and the first award was made in 1982. The award was formerly a part of the President’s Award.
Wallace E. Pratt (1885-1981) was one of the world’s most distinguished geologists. He was a founder of the Association, served as its fourth president and was the first recipient of the Sidney Powers Medal. He was also awarded AAPG’s Human Needs Award and Honorary Membership. He was a Distinguished Lecturer, served on many committees, and remained a constructive adviser and inspiration all his life. Dr. Amos Salvador, in his memorial to Pratt, said “But Wallace Pratt was not only a geologist; he was also a businessman, a scientist of broad interests, a humanist, a philosopher and a magnificent human being.”
Funding for the award is provided through the AAPG Foundation Awards Fund through a bequest from AAPG member Fred W. Bartlett (1897-1982).