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Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/delegates-voice-june2023-cover.jpg?width=287&quality=90amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 67400 Delegates Voice Issue: Delegates Voice Issue

In This Issue:

  • A Report of the 2024 AAPG House of Delegates’ Annual Meeting
  • Comment: Social Media and Member Comportment
  • Commentary: A Potential Threat to AAPG’s Image
  • Update: EC Requests Ethics Committee Review of the Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct, and the Disciplinary Code
  • A Short Note by the Chair-Elect

Helpful Hints

  • Last year I qualified for the Graduated Dues program; why was I charged for Level 1 dues this year?

    Members must qualify annually for reduced dues and must validate for each billing cycle. In accordance with our bylaws, annual billing automatically defaults to full rate.


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