How The Energy Industry Works 2009

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

I recently received the note below from my contact at

Each year they send me free copies of their publication “How the Energy Industry Works”, which I in turn give away to students and Student Chapters throughout the year.

In his note he asks for feedback, so I thought I would pass it along to you (the students of AAPG) to let them know what you think.

Dear Mr Mlynek,

I hope you and your students are finding the 2009 edition we sent you useful.

I am delighted to let you know that the book is now live on our web site.

The 2009 edition (and the 2007 and 2008 editions) will only be online temporarily as in January 2010 we will be re-launching the site.

In January 2010, will host a training course covering the fundamentals of the energy industry. We are developing the content with four leading energy companies.

Our plan is to offer the course free to students from accredited universities. Companies will also have access, but on a paid subscription basis.

As we are now creating the content for this course, together with our strategic partners, we would welcome any suggestions you may have for specific content to be included as part of the course.

We would also welcome comments from you and the students on the contents of the 2009 edition, which will be invaluable in helping us define our editorial content going forward.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Gabriel de Bousquet

Read How the Energy Industry Works from the World Petroleum Council web site at:

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