Credentials Committee-HoD

The credentials committee shall submit to the chair an attested roll of delegates, alternate delegates and appointed alternate delegates who are qualified. Officers of the house may not serve on this committee. In the event of a dispute over credentials, the committee shall report to the house its reason for withholding accreditation, after which the designating society and the nominated delegate or alternate may report reasons to support accreditation of the delegate. The house shall vote whether to uphold the committee determination.


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My committee’s job is to check each of the delegates, alternate delegates or appointed alternate delegates into the Denver HoD delegates meeting.
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The Credentials Committees consists of the chair and four members. Members are the 2015 candidates for HoD chair-elect (James McGhay and Dwight “Clint” Moore) and for secretary/editor (Michael Allison and Stephen Levine).

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As of 9:08 a.m. Sunday, April 6, 2014, 195 delegates were seated prior to the report from the Credentials Committee. The total number of elected delegates is 226; therefore, the presence of 114 delegates was required for a quorum during the House of Delegates meeting.


HoD Committees