Critical Minerals Committee-EMD

According to the USGS, critical minerals are non-fuel minerals or mineral materials that are essential to the economic and national security of the United States, that has a supply chain vulnerable to disruption, and that serves an essential function in the manufacturing of a product, the absence of which would have significant consequences for the economy or national security. Most developed nations maintain a critical minerals list, including the US, Europe Union, Canada, and Australia, where in many cases they all share a common reliance on China for the raw materials necessary to support a thriving technology-driven 21st century economy. In particular, these include the minerals (elements) vital to aerospace/defense and energy storage technologies like rare earth elements, graphite, lithium, cobalt, and vanadium. Our committee is interested in the professional opportunities this emerging industry presents to our organization, specially those related to the rapidly growing green energy market.

Ashley S.B. Douds Ashley S.B. Douds Chair 2022-2025 IGWS
Critical Minerals for Energy Storage
Commodity Mining Processing 2050 vs 2017 Demand
Graphite China, Mozambique China 383%
Lithium Australia, Chile China 965%
Cobalt DRC (Congo) China 585%
Vanadium China China 173%

Source: USGS and Sovacool et al. (2020)

Timeline of Recent Critical Mineral Developments in the US:

Source:  Sovacool et al. (2020)
Source: Sovacool et al. (2020)

Source: USGS
Source: USGS

Annual global electric vehicle sales are forecast to hit 24.4 million by 2030

Source:  Bloomberg Energy Finance
Source: Bloomberg Energy Finance

Committee Reports

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EMD Committees