How well do you adapt to change? Few people truly enjoy change, and yet we all must adapt to changes throughout our careers and lives.
Organizations are no different, and this year we are seeing both AAPG and the DEG undergoing some changes.
- AAPG is attempting to rewrite its Constitution and Bylaws after nearly a century and change its representative structure on the Advisory Council.
AAPG headquarters has, like most operating companies, reduced its operating budget, cut staff and reorganized.
Another challenging dynamic: The demographics of AAPG are radically changing by becoming much younger – but if the students don't become full members we will see our membership numbers drop dramatically.
- The DEG is changing as well, and in this particular change I see great energy and enthusiasm.
- Membership in DEG has been increasing – and continues to grow.
- We now have a solid backlog of manuscripts for Environmental Geosciences, which continues its excellent reputation as a leading publication of scholarly environmental research.
- There is now a DEG-led technical session in most every AAPG Section and Region conference.
- DEG will have a large presence at the 2017 Houston ACE, both in the technical program and in co-sponsoring two special forums – a forum co-sponsored with the Energy Minerals Division (EMD), on "The Next 100 Years of Global Energy Use: Resources, Impacts and Economics," and a forum co-sponsored with the Division of Professional Affairs (DPA), "The Future Best Practices For Extraction Industries in a Lower Carbon Environment."
- This past year DEG moved to a new website, started a blog and is looking at new ways to facilitate improved communication both among our members and to society in general.
At the time of this writing the new DEG elections have yet to be finalized – but with such a great slate of candidates, I am confident that next year's Executive Committee, under incoming President Tim Murin, will be able to continue to adapt to meet your needs.
Be vocal, stay involved – and adapt!