Latin America & Caribbean Region Report May 2020

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Special Items
LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference 2020
  • Initiative developed and planned by the Trinidad and Tobago Young Professionals Chapter (YPTT) to bring together all the YP chapters in the region and share best practices, activity reports and technical talks featuring each country’s unique geology.
  • The conference included 9 sessions, one per country, and took place from 18 to 29 May, with one 2-hour session taking place per day
  • The conference had in total 763 participants from 26 countries in 3 continents (America, Europe and Africa), from which 43% were students and 57% were professionals; and 56% were AAPG members and 44% were non-members.
  • 18 May – Day 1: Trinidad and Tobago. Elvira Gomez presented the keynote address, the YPTT Executive presented the YP Trinidad and Tobago Activity Highlight and Dr. Krishna Persad presented the technical talk “The History of Trinidad and Tobago’s Oil and Gas Exploration”, moderated by Shenille Samlal (YPTT President). 96 people attended.
  • 19 May – Day 2: Colombia. Fernanda Rendon presented YP Colombia Activity Highlight, Yuli Corrales presented the technical talk: “Review of the distribution of megafauna and the first humans in the South American neotropics during the Pleistocene-Holocene (25 to 5ky)” and Daniel Barrera presented the technical talk: “Structural analysis of the Bogotá Anticline, Colombian Eastern Cordillera: Implications on deformational styles of the Llanos Foothills”, moderated by Alexandra Gray (YPTT Treasurer). 98 people attended.
  • 20 May – Day 3: Peru. Alvaro Gomes Villavicencio presented the YP Peru Activity Highlight and Nereyda Noheli Luque Garcia presented the technical talk: “Rock properties prediction and fluid distribution using rock physics analysis and seismic inversion in the Ucayali basin”, moderated by Tariq Karamath (YPTT Secretary) via Zoom. 80 people attended.
  • 21 May – Day 4: Bolivia. Valentina Caceres presented the YP Bolivia Activity Highlight and Carlos Jimenez presented the technical talk: “Special logs for natural fractured reservoirs characterization”, moderated by Jonathan Rawlins (YPTT SC Liaison) 97 people attended.
  • 22 May – Day 5: Venezuela. Jesus Monsalve presented the YP Venezuela Activity Highlight and Yolimar Rojas presented the technical talk: “Falcon Basin: Structural framework and future expectations”, moderated by Charis Mungal (YPTT Vice President). 50 people attended.
  • 25 May – Day 6: Brazil. Xavier Moonan presented the keynote address, Priscila Figueiredo Amaral presented the YP Brazil Activity Highlight and Guilherma Arruda Sowek presented the technical talk: “Brazilian Offshore Basins: Overview and Pre-salt petroleum system”, moderated by Mark Bishop (YPTT PRO). 105 people attended.
  • 26 May – Day 7: Argentina. Maximiliano Miguez presented the YP Argentina Activity Highlight and Juan Lovecchio presented the technical talk: “Argentina’s sedimentary basins and petroleum potential”, moderated by Tariq Karamath (YPTT Secretary). 75 people attended.
  • 28 May – Day 8: Mexico. Mauricio Buendia and Lucio Ramirez presented the YP Mexico Activity Highlight and Mario Ernesto Vazquez-Meneses presented the technical talk: “Transform Margin in Eastern Mexico during the opening of the Gulf of Mexico”, moderated by Shenille Samlal (YPTT President). 114 people attended.
  • 29 May – Day 9: Suriname. Radhima Bisai and Carol De Seil presented the YP Suriname Activity Highlight and Jamish Bholasing presented the technical talk: “Understanding the complex tectonic history of the Suriname-Guyana Basin”, moderated by Mark Bishop (YPTT PRO). 48 people attended.
Thursday Thoughts
  • Virtual initiative developed to connect LACR leadership with members, students and professionals, so they can get to get to know their leaders and hear their vision for the energy industry, for AAPG and for the region
  • Thursday Thoughts sessions will take place every one or two months, depending on availability of leadership members and other activities planned in the region
  • Each 60-minute session includes a moderated interview about specific topics of interest of the speaker and questions of participants connected via Zoom webinar.
  • 14 May – Inaugural session with Elvira Pureza Gómez, AAPG LACR President, sharing strategies for turning current challenges into opportunities. 57 people from 14 countries attended.
Advance the science of geology
Visiting Geoscientist Program (VGP)
  • Region continued its #TuesdayTalks Virtual VG Visits series and encouraged VGs to make other virtual visits as requested
  • 9-10 May – Ana María Goncalves delivered the talk “Structural Styles in Fold and Thrust Belts” for the Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Tacna, Peru. 44 students attended.
  • 27 May – Gerson Terra delivered the talk “Activities, Skills and Knowledge Needed for Geologists in the Oil Industry” for the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil. 287 people attended online.
Tuesday Talks – May
  • 5 May – Vitor Abreu delivered the talk “Sequence Stratigraphy: Past, Present and Future” via Zoom, in English and Spanish. A combined total 637 people from 45 countries attended the sessions.
  • 12 May – Mike Party delivered the talk “Horizontal Drilling in the Permian Basin - a Look at The Objectives” via Zoom. 175 people form 26 countries attended.
  • 12 May – Carolina García delivered the talk “Climate Change and Coronavirus: Relationships that Drive Energy Transition” via Zoom. 83 people from 13 countries attended.
  • 19 May – Freddy Corredor delivered the talk “Structural Styles of the Deep-Water Fold and Thrust Belts of the Southern Caribbean Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia” via Zoom. 266 people from 36 counties attended
  • 26 May – Flávio Feijó delivered the talk “Santos Basin: 40 Years from Shallow to Deep Waters” via Zoom in English and Portuguese. A total of 227 people connected to both sessions. Due to connection problems, this talk was interrupted and will be rescheduled.
Earth Science Week
  • 23 April – AAPG LACR and Colombian Association of Geologists and Geophysicists (ACGGP) launched “#Geoscience4All,” a public outreach contest to encourage students, teachers and professionals to record videos to teach others about geoscience using items found at home.
    • Submission deadline: April 29
    • A panel of judges reviewed the videos during May and is processing the announcement of the winners. All videos meeting the competition criteria will be shared on AAPG and ACGGP websites
    • Contest winners will receive a digital book from AAPG bookstore and a virtual short course from ACGGP
Student/Young Professional Sustainable Development in Energy Projects Contest
  • AAPG LACR received proposals for the contest highlighting energy projects promoting sustainable development with social, environmental and economic impacts 
  • Sponsors: ACGGP, NEOIL Exploration, Rock Whisperer LLC
  • Contest winners will receive cash to fund their projects
    • First place: $2,000
    • Second place: $1,000
    • Third place: $500
  • Contest timeline:
    • Proposals due:     30 April 2020
    • Winners announced:     17 June 2020
Promote geoscience and technology
Energy Opportunities Virtual Experiences*
  • AAPG’s LACR Office launched Energy Opportunities Virtual Experiences, a global initiative designed to provide executives and decisionmakers in all energy sectors the opportunity to connect with the tools, information and people needed to be successful during challenging times and to move toward the future
  • EO Virtual Experiences have three components:
    • Executive Forums – panel discussions with Q&A and participant roundtables in breakout rooms held after each session. Held the last Thursday of each month starting June 25
    • Country Showcases – highlighting licensing rounds, open acreage and hydrocarbon potential in featured countries. Held the second Thursday of each month starting in July
    • Conference and B2B Session– full conference experience, including plenary sessions, Country Snapshots, U-Pitch Technology Showcase, Private B2B sessions and a virtual exhibition. Two half-days, 29-30 September 2020.
  • Currently working to develop websites and marketing materials and a calendar for Executive Forums and Country Showcases
  • Chevron transferred $20,000 in sponsorship of in-person Mexico City Conference to Energy Opportunities Virtual Experiences and will be a sponsor for all Executive Forums
GTW Colombia 2020: Exploration and Development in Southern Caribbean Basins
  • 27-28 October 2020 
  • Event originally scheduled for 24-25 March postponed due to public health concerns and travel restrictions related to COVID-19
  • Committee made decision to move event from Barranquilla to Bogota to accommodate companies who will face travel restrictions through the end of the year
  • Committee is investing options for including virtual participation in the event
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Shell, Noble Energy, TGS and Petrobras Colombia
  • Sponsorship from Ecopetrol canceled due to austerity measures
  • ANH to confirm based on new workshop information
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Petroleum Systems
    • Recent Discoveries and New Plays
    • Enhanced Imaging and AVO/DHI
    • Seismic Acquisition, Risk Reduction and Drilling Optimization
    • Special Session: Government Strategies to Support Colombia’s Energy Sector
Energy Opportunities Conference, Exhibition and B2B Session
  • In-person conference originally set to take place in Mexico City on 23-24 September 2020 postponed to September 2021
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) Argentin
  • Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-18 November 2020
  • Talking with committee about postponing in-person conference to 2021 and holding a smaller virtual conference in November 2020
  • Call for Abstracts open through June 11, 2020
  • Currently seeking abstract reviewers for all URTeC Session Themes:
    • Potential for New Unconventional Exploration and Development Plays
    • Integrated Reservoir and Play Characterization
    • Reserves Estimation and Production Forecasting
    • Geomechanics and Rock Physics
    • Well Construction and Design
    • Completions, Stimulation, and Implementation
    • Production, Operation, and Facilities
    • Seismic Applications for Unconventional Developments
    • Novel Technologies, R&D, and the Digital Oilfield
    • Social Performance and Stakeholder Management
Serve AAPG members throughout the Region
Region website & social media as of 3 June 2020
  • Facebook page has 2502 followers (increased 6.2%)
  • Twitter account has 872 followers (increased 5.4%)
  • LinkedIn account has 2380 followers (increased 12.1%)
Develop the next generation of geoscientists
Imperial Barrel Award (IBA)*
  • IBA LACR sponsors: Chevron ($5000-confirmed), Shell ($10,000-estimated, not confirmed), Schlumberger (Petrel licenses for Brazil teams)
  • Virtual round competition included 30 teams from nine countries held on March 6
  • Region Semifinals held virtually on May 22 due to health concerns related to COVID-19 outbreak
  • Participants were:
    • Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia) – Region Winner
    • Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) – 2nd place
    • Universidade Federal do Pampa (Brazil)
    • Universidad Simón Bolivar (Venezuela)
  • Semifinals judges were Freddy Corredor (GeoStrAp), Juan Pablo Lovecchio (YPF), Federico Seminario (Pluspetrol) and Antonio Velásquez (Ecopetrol)
  • Region Semifinal winner (UIS) will compete in the Global Finals, scheduled to take place virtually on 5-6 June
2019 Student-Young Professional Leadership Summit*
  • 2-4 October 2020 in Bogotá, Colombia
  • Event originally scheduled to be held in Lima, Peru, but location changed to Bogota due to budget constraints and travel restrictions. (More AAPG staff and volunteers are based in Bogota)
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Chevron ($5000)
  • Organizing committee developed timeline for event organization and is developing the event website and a plan to promote sponsorship to companies and associations
  • Currently developing program, reviewing event venues and developing strategies for in-person and virtual participation
Ready to Work (RTW) Program
  • Committees working in Argentina, Mexico, Suriname, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago developing programs for recent graduates being trained to work in the energy industry 
  • The initiative is supported by the FY2020 Region budget, and additionally, though committees are seeking local support to strengthen the programs
  • The Mexico RTW Committee obtained $1500 in support from Shell Mexico
  • The Brazil RTW Committee, recipient of LACR funding in 2019, obtained $25,000 reais (approximately $US 5000) from ExxonMobil to conduct RTW activities in 2020
  • RTW committees originally planned to complete all activities by the end of AAPG’s FY 2020 fiscal year (30 June) but are developing new timelines that take into consideration public health concerns and university and business closures resulting from COVID-19
Student Chapters

April activities not previously reported

  • 5 April – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, held the chapter monthly meeting. 8 students and 1 professor attended.
  • 9 April – UNSA, Arequipa, Peru, held the lecture "Structural Analysis and Introduction to Geomechanics Part 2" by Ing. Carlos Llerena Medrano from SAVIA PERU. 92 students, 5 young professionals and 3 professionals attended.
  • 20 April – UNSA, Arequipa, Peru, held the short course "Sequence Stratigraphy" by Ing. Gerardo Pozo Calle from Pluspetrol and Ing. Edson Castillo Guzman from Energy Corp. 44 students, 6 young professionals and 2 professionals attended.
  • 30 April – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the webinar “Petroleum Systems” by Prof. Leonardo Borghi from LAGESED/UFRJ. 146 students, 3 Young professionals and 7 professionals attended.

May activities

  • 1 May – UNIBH, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, announced the winner of the “Best Photo in the Field” contest, which counted with the participation of different universities in the State of Minas Gerais.
  • 4 May – UNSA, Arequipa, Peru, held the course "Sedimentaries Enviroments" by Ing. Gerardo Pozo Calle from Pluspetrol and Ing. Edson Castillo Guzman from Energy Corp. 41 students. 5 young professionals and 2 professionals attended.
  • 5 May – UNMSM, Lima, Peru, held the webinar, "Atlas of the Sub-Andean Petroleum Systems of Peru" by Dr. Patrice Baby. 65 students, 10 young professionals and 5 professionals attended.
  • 5 May – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, held the webinar "Pre-Salt: The Saga. The History of One of the World's Greatest Oil Discoveries" by Marco Antônio Pinheiro Machado from Petrobras. 188 students and 65 professionals attended.
  • 6 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “Mathematical modelling in structural geology” by Anderson Moraes. 116 people attended.
  • 7 May – UNMSM, Lima, Perú, held the webinar "Oil Exploration in Foreland and Forearc Basins in Peru" by Ing. Daniel Peña. 65 students, 15 young professionals and 2 professionals attended.
  • 7 May – UCV, Caracas, Venezuela; UNC, Córdoba, Argentina and UNSAAC, Cusco, Peru, held the lecture "Development of an Exploration Process: A practical case at Neuquén Basin, Argentina" via Zoom by PhD. Gonzalo Zamora from Repsol. 100 people attended.
  • 8 May – IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, held the lecture “Geological grid models” by MSc. David Garcia Cano. More than 100 Students and 2 Young professionals attended.  
  • 8 May – UFRJ, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the webinar “Petrography of Pre-Salt Rocks: Analysis and Techniques” by Jeferson Santos from LAGESED/UFRJ. 235 students, 25 Young professionals and 20 professionals attended.
  • 8 May – USB, Caracas, Venezuela, organized and participated of Petroven courses “Interactive Petrophysics” modules 1 and 2, and “Geomechanics” modules 1 and 2. 15 students and 5 young professionals attended.
  • 8 May – ULA, Mérida, Venezuela, held the technical talk "Evaluation of Bedrock and High Resolution Stratigraphy in the La Luna Formation Venezuela as an Unconventional Reservoir" via Skype, by PhD Andreina Liborius from Oklahoma. 50 people attended.
  • 8 and 20 May – Mexican chapters UANL, UNAM, ITESCO, OLMECA, IPN and Young Professionals Mexico worked together to organize the event "Quarantine with Geosciences". 8 students and 4 young professionals participated.
  • 9 May – UATF, Potosi, Bolivia, held the virtual lecture “Exploration Geophysics - Scope and Limitations” by Geologist Mauricio Israel Guizada Duran from UNICAMP - PETROBRAS. 89 people attended from different countries.
  • 11 May – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the webinar “Introduction to Well Logging” by Bruno Valle from LAGESED/UFRJ. 243 students, 10 Young professionals and 4 professionals attended.
  • 12 May – UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, held a chat about career experiences with the Affiliate Sponsor Society Liasion Ulisses Correia from CGG. 12 students attended.
  • 12 May – ULA, Mérida, Venezuela, organized and participated in the lecture “Enhanced Oil Recovery (EQR)" by MSc Victoria Mousalli from Industrial University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. 50 people attended.
  • 13 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “The Transport of Heat Within the Earth” by Luiz Gabriel de Oliveira. 120 people attended.
  • 13 May – IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, held the talk " Introduction to Seismic Attributes" by MSc Pablo Jimenez Coral. 100 students and 9 Young professionals attended. 
  • 13 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture "Evidence of a Glaciation" led by Prof. Carolina Aquino. 3900 views, reaching 8492 people.  
  • 14 May – UNIBH, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, held the technical talk “Mud Logging as a Drilling Monitoring Tool in Oil Exploration” By Leonardo Souza, Prof. of petroleum geology from the UNIBH. 65 students and 1 professional attended.
  • 15 May – UNSA, Arequipa, Peru, held the course "Stratigraphy of Applied Sequences" by Ing. Gerardo Pozo Calle from Pluspetrol and Ing. Edson Castillo Guzman from Energy Corp. 38 students. 4 young professionals and 2 professionals attended.  
  • 15 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture "Use of Stable Isotopes in Geology ", led by Prof. Fábio Machado. 3600 views, reaching 8231 people.
  • 15 May – UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, held the activity "The Role of the Geoscientist in the Energy Industry” by Maximiliano Miguez. Posted for public access on Facebook.
  • 15 May – ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador, held the talk "What Challenges Will Face the Petroleum Geologist in the Future of Sustainable Energy?" by Galo Montenegro from ESPOL. 23 students and 2 professionals attended.
  • 15 May – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, organized the webinar “Petroleum Geology: Santos Basin Pre-Salt Reservoirs” by Bruno Valle from LAGESED/UFRJ. 537 people attended.
  • 18, 20, 23, 24 and 27 May – UNMSM, Lima, Perú, held the workshop " Sedimentary Basin Analysis, Example Huallaga Sedimentary Basin" by Ing. Christian Hurtado. 26 students attended.
  • 19 May –UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the webinar “Introduction to Seismic Interpretation” by Ana Carolina Araújo from LAGESED/UFRJ. 260 students, 20 Young professionals and 11 professionals attended.
  • 20 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “Magmatism and Petroleum Systems” by Sérgio Valente. 224 people attended.
  • 20 May – UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay developed and shared an opinion poll amongst all chapter members to evaluate the chapter's performance since it was created.  23 students participated.
  • 20 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture "CENACID Experiences in Scientific Disaster Response", led by Prof. Renato Eugenio. 1200 views, reaching 3560 people.  
  • 20 May – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, organized the webinar “Petroleum Geology: 1D and 3D Geomechanical Modeling of Heidrun Field, Offshore Norway” by Victor Ferreira from Halliburton. 346 people attended.
  • 20 May – UNIPAMPA, Caçapava do Sul, Brazil, held the virtual lecture on YouTube channel "A Brief History of Oil Exploration in Brazil with an Emphasis on Discoveries in Carbonate" by Gerson J. S. Terra. The lecture was open to the public, 8 student members were involved in the organization.
  • 20 May – USB, Caracas, Venezuela, held the Seminary: "Bioestratigraphy as a Support to Seismic", by PhD Humberto Carvajal Chitty. 30 students, 5 young professionals and 5 professionals attended.
  • 20-26 May – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the "Geological Drawing Contest”. The drawing that won the contest had 674 reactions from the public on Facebook. 6 students and 1 professional participated. 
  • 21 May – UATF, Potosi, Bolivia, supported and attended the virtual lecture “Taking my Personal Power” by Psychologist Andrea Guzmán, organized by Ing. Ana María Goncalves. 4 students attended.
  • 21 May – UNIBH, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, held the technical talk “Improved Oil Recovery and Geological Capture of CO2 through Alternate Injection of Water and Gas” By Jorge Andres Tovar from UNICAMP. 90 students and 1 professional attended.
  • 22 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture "Inside the Earth", led by Luizemara Soares. 2900 views, reaching 6500 people.
  • 22 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “Ruptile Deformation: A Study of Joints, Faults and their Unfoldings in the Analysis of the Paleotension Field” by Alan Wanderley Miranda. 145 people attended.
  • 22 May – ULA, Mérida, Venezuela, held the virtual technical talk "Geothermobarometry with Emphasis on the Color Alteration Index of the Conodonts (CAI) and Application in the Hydrocarbon Reservoir" by Ing. Rafael Rosales from University of Los Andes - Merida (Venezuela). 50 people attended.
  • 25 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “Petrogenesis of the Low TiO2 Basalts of the Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar in the Lagos Region (RJ)” by Thiago Dutra. 128 people attended.
  • 25 May – UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, held a virtual student games night “The Brain Cooler” lead by Selena Mohammed and Christie Carr, members of the chapter’s board. 13 Students attended.
  • 25 May – UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, held the technical webinar "Geological Register of Fluvial Systems" by Claiton Scherer from UFRGS. 162 students, young professionals, and professionals attended.
  • 25-28 May – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the online course “Introduction to Tectonophysical Processes in the Formation of Sedimentary Basins” by Prof. Dr. Jorge Picanço Figueiredo from UFRJ. 527 students, 40 Young professionals and 20 professionals attended.
  • 27 May – UNIPAMPA, Caçapava do Sul, Brazil, held the virtual lecture on YouTube channel "Sequence Stratigraphy in Clastic Sequences: Application in the Exploration and Production of Natural Resources" by Antonio J. C. Magalhães. The lecture was open to the public and 8 student members were involved in the organization.
  • 27 May – UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil, supported the traditional event of the Department of Geology “UFC: 25th Geology Week”. All members of the chapter participated: 14 undergraduate students, 5 young professionals and 1 professor.
  • 27 May – UIS, Bucaramanga, Colombia, held the technical talk “Construction of a Sequence Stratigraphy Frame During the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene, case study: Magdalena Valley to Llanos Orientales Basin” by Sebastian Carvajal from The University of Alberta, Canada. 15 students and 6 professionals attended. 
  • 27 May – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held the webinar “Introduction to Petroleum Exploration” by João Paulo Salazar from Shell. 742 people attended.
  • 27 May – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, held the talk "Diagenesis and Quality of Deep Carbonate Reservoirs in the Cambrian of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China" by Karin Goldberg from Kansas State University. 10 students attended.
  • 27 May – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, organized the project "Presentation of Graduate Work" by graduate students from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 10 students attended.
  • 27 May – IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, supported and attended the lecture "Renewable Energy in Latin America, New Areas of Opportunity for Geosciences" by Guillermo García y Morales. 100 students, 9 young professionals, and 4 professionals attended.
  • 28 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture " Bio-organominerals: Importance in Geology", led by Prof. Anelize Bahniuk. 2950 views.
  • 28 May – UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil, held the activity “Soil and Water Contamination by Petroleum Derivatives” by Olga Gomes. 222 people attended.
  • 28 May – UNIBH, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, held the technical talk, “Opportunities and Challenges for the Oil and Gas Industry” By Leticia Leandro, Msc. from The Houston University. 72 students and 1 professional attended.
  • 29 May – ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador, held the talk "Volcanic Hazard Study: Example of Mount Etna and Applicability to Ecuador" by Maurizio Mulas from ESPOL. 15 students and 2 young professionals attended.
  • 29 May – UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, worked with the Geology Department from UFPR to organize the lecture "Neotectonics and Morphotectonics: Concepts and Approach Techniques ", led by Prof. Eduardo Salamuni. 4400 views, reaching 11369 people.
  • 30 May – USB, Caracas, Venezuela, held the seminar "From the Data in Field to the Seismic Image" by MSc Jhonny Calderón. 35 students attended 5 young professionals attended.
YP Chapters


  • 15 May –Hosted online interview to Maximiliano Miguez “The Role of the Geoscientist in the Energy Industry” in coordination with UBA Student Chapter. Posted for public access on Facebook.
  • 26 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.


  • 30 April - Vladimir Machaca, Vice-President YP Bolivia and Reservoir Geologist gave the virtual talk "Lessons learned and challenges for Young Professionals in Bolivia" to UMSA students.
  • 21 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.


  • 27 April-5 May - Held the short course “Introduction to Petrophysics and Evaluation of Conventional Reservoirs” by Gabriel Feres from Petrobras. 20 Young Professionals attended.
  • 16 May - Held the online workshop “Techniques and Procedures for Event Organization” by Priscila Amaral from Stratum Reservoir. 13 Young Professionals attended.
  • 25 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.
  • 28 May - Supported the organization of the online event “Geologist Day – ABGP” promoted by ABGP (Brazilian Association of Petroleum Geologists). 80 online attendees.


  • 19 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.
  • 29 May – Held the virtual lecture “Spectral Decomposition: A Tool for Seismic Interpretation” by Victor Hugo Castellanos Guevara. 19 professionals and 7 students from Argentina, Colombia, and Peru attended.


  • 7-21 May – Held the #StayHomeStayReady, series of virtual technical talks for students and young professionals:
    • 7 May - Karina Vázquez and Daniel López presented "Watershed modeling through structural analysis to evaluate prospective resources in salt tectonics. Case study: Southeast Gulf of Mexico Basins". 87 live participants and 2135 video replays.
    • 14 May - Sahira Alamilla Martínez, Eni México, presented "Environmental Aspects and Social Responsibility". 35 live participants and 580 video replays.
    • 15 May - Discussion session "The Oil and Gas Industry during the COVID-19 " in collaboration with Codigo Petrolero and EAGE IPN Student Chapter. More than 120 live participants and 2000 video replays.
    • 21 May - Diana Cuevas Rivero and Erick Osorio Santiago presented "Analysis of Resource Estimation from Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering". 58 people attended.
  • 28 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.


  • 7 May - Held the webinar "Chemostratigraphy: a tool for correlation of ancient geological sequences" by MSc. Disnahir Pinto. 30 students, 30 young professionals and 40 professionals attended.
  • 20 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.


  • 15-31 May – Held an online quiz featuring 20 questions about general geology, petroleum geology of Suriname and the key aspects of the oil industry.
  • 29 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.&

Trinidad and Tobago

  • 18-29 May – Held the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.


  • 9, 10, 12 and 14 May – Held the series of virtual technical talks “Basic Sedimentology Applied to Hydrocarbons” by Ing. Disnahir Pinto. 45 people attended.
  • 19 May - Held the virtual technical talk “Principles of Gravimetric Methods” by Ing. Juan Piret. 35 people attended.
  • 22 May – Presented in the AAPG LACR Young Professionals Virtual Conference. See Special Items of this report for more information.
  • 28 May - Held the virtual technical talk “Application Protocol of Geophysical Methods for Gold Mining Exploration by Ing. Jorge Negrete. 26 people attended.
Upcoming Meetings
  • AAPGLAC Leadership Team Meeting: Thursday, 18 June, 16:00 Bogota/Lima/Mexico City; 17:00 La Paz/Port of Spain/Caracas; 18:00 Buenos Aires/Paramaribo/Rio de Janeiro

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See Also: Webinar

Webinar The Bight Basin, South Australia, One of the World's Largest Unexplored Deltas. Evolution and Prospectivity; Seismic, Structure, and Balanced Sections The Bight Basin, South Australia, One of the World's Largest Unexplored Deltas. Evolution and Prospectivity; Seismic, Structure, and Balanced Sections Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/virtual-apr-the-bright-basin-south-australia-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 57314

See Also: YoungPros Event

YoungPros Event Room 310 Young Professionals Meet & Greet Young Professionals Meet & Greet Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/ace17-networking-activity-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 36626

See Also: Explorer Article

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See Also: Foundation Update

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