Latin America & Caribbean Region Report February 2020

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Advance the science of geology
Visiting Geoscientist Program (VGP)
  • 17 February – Guilherme Arruda Sowek delivered the short course “Introduction to the evaluation of oil and gas prospects” during the event “I workshop of Oil and Gas” in the Federal University of Parana, 42 students attended.
  • 17, 18, 20, 22 February – Xavier Moonan, led the field trips “Traverse of Southern Basin, Trinidad”, “3D Traverse of the Caroni Basin, Trinidad”, “Palo Seco Lower Cruise turbidites, Trinidad” and "Piparo Mud Volcano" for Dalhousie University students. 18 students attended.
  • 20 February – Xavier Moonan delivered the technical talk “Overview of Trinidad Geology”, for Dalhousie University students and the University of the West Indies, Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 20 students attended.
Earth Science Week
  • 4 February – Members of the Trinidad and Tobago YP Chapter attended the "Energy Chamber Conference 2020" where they interacted with attendees providing and disseminating geoscience awareness and promoting the AAPG YP TT Chapter. Interacted with approximately 50 persons.
  • 5 February - Members of the Trinidad and Tobago YP Chapter attended the "Heroes Foundation Youth Forum" at the Energy Chamber Conference where they provided career guidance to students across Trinidad and Tobago and participated in a tabletop discussion on climate change, energy transition and energy conservation. 400 students attended.
  • 29 February - Adele Harrypersad presented the STEM session: Origin and structure of the Earth and Earth materials at Cowen Hamilton Secondary School. 20 students attended.
Student/Young Professional Sustainable Development in Energy Projects Contest
  • AAPG Latin America & Caribbean launched a contest to highlight energy projects promoting sustainable development with social, environmental and economic impacts
  • Sponsors: ACGGP, NEOIL Exploration, Rock Whisperer LLC
  • Contest winners will receive cash to fund their projects
    • First place: $2,000
    • Second place: $1,000
    • Third place: $500
  • Contest timeline:
    • Contest open: 1 February 2020
    • Proposals due: 31 March 2020
    • Winners announced: 30 April 2020
Promote geoscience and technology
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-salt Section
  • Hotel Marquis Reforma, Mexico City, 4-6 February 2020
  • Conference statistics:
    • 101 participants representing 34 companies, 2 associations, 4 government institutions, 12 universities and 9 countries
    • 29 oral and 10 posters presentations from 16 organizations and 9 universities
  • Event included greetings from Pemex, CNH and Mexican Geological Survey officials and a keynote presentation from Rodrigo Hernandez, Director of Exploration Opinions at CNH Mexico
  • AAPG Mexico YP Chapter Member with Jim Pindell after his lecture in Mexico City on February 6.
    AAPG Mexico YP Chapter Member with Jim Pindell after his lecture in Mexico City on February 6.
  • The last day featured a roundtable discussion with event conveners and participants
  • Sponsors: Shell, Equinor, TGS, C&C Reservoirs, Ecopetrol and Teyra Geoconsulting
  • Overall feedback was positive; many participants were satisfied with the program, and with overall organization and flow of the conference 97% of survey respondents said they would attend another AAPG conference
  • Students and young professionals were invited to the lecture by James Pindell “Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico and Flanking Region: What We Know and What We Don’t” held on the final day of the conference, which 125 people attended
GTW Colombia 2019: Exploration and Development in Southern Caribbean Basins
  • Hotel Dann Carlton, Barranquilla
  • Event originally scheduled for 24-25 March posponed due to public health concerns and travel restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak. New dates to be announced in the coming weeks
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Shell, Noble Energy, TGS and Petrobras Colombia; confirming sponsorships amounts from ANH and Ecopetrol
  • Published technical program
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Petroleum Systems
    • Recent Discoveries and New Plays
    • Enhanced Imaging and AVO/DHI
    • Seismic Acquisition, Risk Reduction and Drilling Optimization
    • Special Sessions: Government Strategies to Support Colombia’s Energy Sector
Energy Opportunities Conference, Exhibition and B2B Session
  • Camino Real Polanco, Mexico City, 23-24 September 2020
  • Conference Sessions:
    • Maximizing the Region’s Energy Mix
    • Recent Experiences in Offshore Exploration Campaigns
    • Energy Outlook and Future Projections
    • Connecting Industry, Government and Regulators
    • Disruptive Technologies and their Impact on the Energy Sector
    • Roadmaps for Sustainable Energy Development: Technical, Financial and Societal Aspects
    • Reducing Risk and Optimizing Costs in the New Energy Era
  • Other event features:
    • Country Snapshots: open acreage, licensing and bid rounds throughout the region
    • Business-to-business session: one-on-one meetings with current and future partners in private conference rooms
    • U-Pitch Technology Showcase: shark tank-style session connecting entrepreneurs with investors
    • 700 m2 exhibition featuring individual stands and country pavilions
  • Confirmed sponsors to-date: Chevron, Shell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) Argentina
  • Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-18 November 2020
  • Launched event website,
  • Call for Abstracts released on 10 January; open through 27 March 2020
  • Currently seeking abstract reviewers for all URTeC Session Themes:
    • Potential for New Unconventional Exploration and Development Plays
    • Integrated Reservoir and Play Characterization
    • Reserves Estimation and Production Forecasting
    • Geomechanics and Rock Physics
    • Well Construction and Design
    • Completions, Stimulation, and Implementation
    • Production, Operation, and Facilities
    • Seismic Applications for Unconventional Developments
    • Novel Technologies, R&D, and the Digital Oilfield
    • Social Performance and Stakeholder Management
Serve AAPG members throughout the Region
Region website & social media as of 3 March 2020
  • Facebook page has 2040 followers (increased 1.2%)
  • Twitter account has 763 followers (increased 2.8%)
  • LinkedIn account has 1768 followers (increased 7.3%)
Develop the next generation of geoscientists
Imperial Barrel Award (IBA)
  • IBA LACR sponsors: Chevron ($5000), Shell ($10,000), Schlumberger (Petrel licenses for Brazil teams)
  • Virtual round competition with 31 teams representing nine countries
  • Seven teams are participating for the first time (*)
2020 LACR IBA Competition timeline:
  • Dataset release: 10 January 2020
  • Virtual Round (via WebEx): 6 March 2020
  • LACR Semifinal Round: 17 April 2020
  • Global Finals (Houston, TX): 6 June 2020
Coordinators divided the teams for the virtual round into four groups:

Group A

  • Federal University of Pampa
  • Universidade Federal do Amazonas*
  • State University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Federal University of Sergipe
  • Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte*
  • Universidad Federal de Paraná
  • Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Judges: Felipe Vargas, Lina Rendon, David Reed

Group B

  • National University of Cordoba (UNC)
  • Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • Universidad Técnica de Oruro*
  • Universidad Mayor de San Andres
  • Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Universidad Nacional de Piura*
  • National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco
  • National University of San Agustin
  • Judges: Mauricio Blanco, Cleveland Jones, Claudia Dueñas

Group C

  • Universidad de Caldas
  • Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Universidad del Norte*
  • EAFIT University
  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Bogotá
  • Universidad de Pamplona
  • Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías*
  • Judges: Mary Borrero, Ronnie Ameerali, Marcia Pinheiro, Muriel Miller

Group D

  • Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Anton de Kom University of Suriname
  • University of the West Indies
  • Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Universidad Simón Bolivar
  • University of Los Andes*
  • Judges: Yeny Cortes, Lizbeth Calizaya, Carlos Aizprua

    2019 Student-Young Professional Leadership Summit*
    • 2-4 October 2020 in Lima, Peru
    • Confirmed sponsorships from Chevron ($5000)
    • Formed organizing committee; timeline developed for event organization, and working on plan to start advertising Summit Sponsorship options to companies
    Ready to Work (RTW) Program
    • Committees working in Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela to develop programs for recent graduates being trained to work in the energy industry
    • The initiative is supported by the FY2020 Region budget, additionally, local committees are looking for additional sponsorships or in-kind support from companies
    Student Chapters
    • 1 February - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador, participated in “Transition of students clubs/chapters of the ESPOL to the Student Welfare Unit”. 5 chapter officers and 31 students attended.
    • 10 February - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, had an AAPG exhibit space (divulgation through banner, folders and stickers) in the enrolment of the graduate students from the Institute of Geosciences. 2 chapter members attended (as exhibition staff).
    • 13 February - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, held the talk "Overview of the software Paradigm: Geological modelling and interpretation" by Gerardo Gonzalez from Emerson. 16 people attended.
    • 17, 18, 19 February - UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil, held the "I Oil and Gas Workshop - UFPR". 42 students and 14 professionals attended.
    • 19 February - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, held the activity "Pre-Carnival Blood Donation" at Unicamp Blood Center. 7 people attended.
    • 20-21 February - EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia, held the course "V Seminar on Petroleum and Economic Geology" by PhD. Diego Gómez, PhD. Carlos Molinares, MSc. Timoleón Garzon, Msc. Mario Pachón, Geologist Carlos Romero. 40 students and 6 young professionals attended.
    • 21 February - UCV, Caracas, Venezuela, held the field practice about measurement of fold structures at Colinas de Bello Monte with students from "Introductions to Field Geology" subject. 17 people attended.
    • 21 February - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil, held the lecture "More Geology: Geodiversity" by Fernando Xerxes. 2 chapter officers and 7 students attended.
    • 27 February - UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, held the activity "Educational Movie Event - Deepwater Horizon". 13 students attended.
    • 27 February - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador, held the activity “Production of the YouTube Video Contest”. 5 students attended.
    • 29 February - UNAM, México City, Mexico, UNAM SC worked together with SAGFI to held the event “The day of Geophysics", and with AMGP to held the event “2nd University Petroleum Meeting". 8 students attended.
    YP Chapters


    • No main activities reported in February. However, worked on the Ready to Work Program planning, organizing a workshop to be held in March, and supporting IBA teams from Buenos Aires and Cordoba universities.


    • 15 February - Volunteering activity "Mi Refugio", which included the donation of 40 kg of food for the pets of this charity association, and participation during General Cleaning Day, 5 YP members attended.


    • February - Rio de Janeiro, Natal, Caçapava do Sul and São Cristovão, Brazil, members of YP Brazil Chapter supported several IBA 2020 teams from Brazil (UERJ, UFRN, UNIPAMPA, UFS) as industry mentors, guiding the teams to perform the project. This included the online short course "Seismic Facies Mapping" by, Misael Felix to Universidade Federal de Sergipe.


    • Held a committee meeting to discuss challenges and future activities in Bogotá.


    • 4-6 February – Supported AAPG Hedberg Conference: Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-salt Section in the Marquis Reforma Hotel. 5 SC and YP volunteers participated.
    • 6 February - Held the talk "Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico and flanking region: What We Know and What We Don't" by James Pindell, in the Marquis Reforma Hotel. 125 people attended.


    • No activities reported in January

    Suriname (New YP Chapter)

    • No February 3 and 19 - Chapter held committee meetings to discuss a half-year program and strategies.

    Trinidad and Tobago

    • 20 February - Grant Wach, Neisha Ramdass and Xavier Moonan presented the triple technical talk "Renewable Energy and the Energy Industry in Trinidad and Tobago" at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. 41 people attended.


    • 19 February - Meeting to prepare the “2020 Geoscientific Event” held at FUNVISIS, Caracas. 16 professional and 2 YP leaders attended.

    Upcoming Meetings
    • AAPGLAC Steering Committee Meeting: Thursday, 19 March; 16:00 Bogota/Lima; 17:00 Port of Spain; 18:00 Rio de Janeiro/Buenos Aires

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