Latin America & Caribbean Region Report July 2019

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Advance the science of geology
Visiting Geoscientist Program (VGP)
  • Coordinator, Mauricio Guizada, finished the report of FY2019 fiscal year-to-date visits. In the FY2019 fiscal year, LACR VGs made 46 VG visits in 11 countries, reaching 27 universities and 1580 attendees
  • Coordinators are working to formalize new VGs in Colombia and Bolivia
  • Coordinators are organizing a VG Symposium in Buenos Aires in the framework of the ICE, in order to reach students and YPs of Argentina through several international VGs that will be in the city to attend the global event

Earth Science Week

Trinidad & Tobago

  • 6 July – Amrit Cooblal and Tariq Karamath attended the STEM Facilitators meeting at Sacoda Serv Ltd., Maritime Centre, Trinidad
Promote the use of technology
ICE Buenos Aires 2019: Expanding Frontiers and Unlocking Resources for Future Generations
  • Finalized technical program and special sessions
  • Promoted registration for conference, field trips and short courses
  • Planning to hold a Visiting Geoscientist Program Symposium, U-Pitch Technology showcase in conjunction with the conference
  • Also will launch Vaca Muerta Special publication, soon available for sale in the AAPG store
GTW Suriname 2019: Recent Discoveries and Exploration and Development Opportunities in the Guiana Basin
  • Paramaribo, 5-7 November 2019
  • Call for abstracts open through 28 June
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Staatsolie, Apache, Kosmos, Halliburton, Tullow; several other companies expressed interest
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Prospectivity in the Guiana Basin
    • Recent Exploration in Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana
    • Maximizing Resource Potential in Emerging Basins
    • Enhancing Exploration and Development through Integration and Data Management
    • Beyond Guiana: Emerging Plays, Prospects and Discoveries throughout the Caribbean
    • Government-Industry-Community: Collaborative Strategies for Emerging Hydrocarbon Economies
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico Pre-salt Section
  • Mexico City, 4-6 February 2020
  • Technical committee working actively to develop program
  • Launched website, developed marketing materials
  • Call for abstracts open through 15 September
Colombia Workshop 2020
  • Barranquilla, April 2020
  • Title: Exploration and Development of Southern Caribbean Frontier Basins
  • Forming organizing committee and meeting with stakeholders to define date and venue
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Shell, Noble and Ecopetrol
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Petroleum Systems
    • Recent Discoveries and New Plays
    • Enhanced Imaging and AVO/DHI
    • Risk Reduction and Drilling Optimization
    • Special Session: Potential for Development of Unconventional Resources in Colombia
    • Special Session: Government Strategies to Support Colombia’s Energy Sector
Energy Opportunities Conference, Exhibition and B2B Session
  • Mexico City, 23-25 September 2020
  • Conference format: morning plenaries and luncheon sessions with world-renown speakers; afternoon topical workshops including finance, technology and investment opportunities; 1000 m2 exhibition; ongoing one-on-one private meetings for conference attendees; half-day U-Pitch New Technology Showcase following the conference
  • Forming organizing committee and exploring options for topics and speakers
  • Negotiating venue contract with Camino Real Hotel in Polanco
  • Planning to promote the conference with a dedicated stand at ICE Buenos Aires
Serve AAPG members throughout the Region
Region website & social media as of 3 August 2019
  • Facebook page has 1862 followers (increased 1.0%)
  • Twitter account has 670 followers (increased 1.0%)
  • LinkedIn account has 1020 followers (increased 3.4%)
Develop the next generation of geoscientists
2019 Student-Young Professional Leadership Summit*
  • 30 August – 1 September 2019 in Buenos Aires
  • Advertising Summit Sponsorship option in the ICE Buenos Aires 2019 sponsorship brochure
  • Confirmed Sponsorships from Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell and Tecpetrol
  • Working to finalize program, budget, venue and inviting special guests
Ready to Work (RTW) Program
Ready to Work Bolivia participants
Ready to Work Bolivia participants
  • Program held in Bolivia from 8 – 13 July
  • More than 40 speakers from 16 companies delivered program content (presenter profiles: 24% managers and department heads, 38% were geoscientists, 18% reservoir engineers and 20% other)
  • 18 recent graduates and final-year students from 4 universities participated in the program
  • Video featuring interviews with participants and speakers was published on the Bolivia YP Chapter Linked In page:
Student Chapters
  • 5 July – ESPOL, Ecuador. Held the activity “Meeting for the Field Trip to Pacifpetrol”. 15 students attended.
  • 6 July – UWI, Trinidad & Tobago. Participated with the AAPG YPTT in field trip "The Structure and Exploration Potential of the San Francique East Oilfield" led by Xavier Moonan and Mark Bishop. 17 people attended.
  • 8-12 July – ITC, Mexico. Held in cooperation with EAGE IPN SC, the course "1st Seismic Interpretation" by the Specialist Federico Salas, CGG. 30 students attended.
  • 8 July – Unipampa, Brazil. Held a meeting regarding the discussion and planning of geological short-courses and speeches during the semester with the principal objective to prepare the Unipampa Team for the Imperial Barrel Award. 9 members and 1 advisor attended.
  • 11 July – USB, Venezuela. Held two technical lectures in conjunction with the UCV Student Chapter and YP Chapter on "Importance of the application of balancing methods and restoration of the exploration of folded and run belts" by Ana Goncalves (YPFB Exploration Management), and "Hydrogeophysics and groundwater" by Osmar Zambrano (INAMEH Institute). 30 USB students attended.
  • 12 July – UDELAR, Uruguay. Got support from Buquebus company, which provided four free passages to chapter members attending the ICE in Buenos Aires.
  • 12 July - UP, Colombia. Held the activity "Informative Talk: What is AAPG? What is the student chapter? Why to be a member?". 20 students attended.
  • 13 July – USB, Venezuela. Held a field trip to the "Indio Caves". 20 students participated.
  • 15 July - UFRGS, Brazil. Held the activity "Geochemical Modeling from Diagenesis to Simulations" By PhD Anthony Park. 17 people attended.
  • 15 July - UNS, Argentina. Held the conference "Workshop: Unconventional reservoirs" by Geologists Victoria Lazzari (YPF) and Jimena Rodriguez (YPF). 42 students and professionals attended.
  • 17 July – IPN, Mexico. Embassy of France in Mexico City signed an agreement for collaboration in future events in and out the university. 2 members of the SC Committee attended.
  • 18 July – UFS, Brazil. Held the activity "Selection Process for new members of the AAPG UFS student chapter". 7 official members and 12 students attended.
  • 22 July – UFS, Brazil. Held the activity "More Geology with the lecture: Astromineralogy Part 2" by Fernando Xerxes. 7 students attended.
  • 24 July – ESPOL, Ecuador. Held the online activity “Importance of GIS”. 670 visualizations on Social Networks.
  • 25 July – UP, Colombia. Participation of the president in a meeting with the university’s curriculum committee of program management, in which all presidents of the student chapters of the university participated, to schedule the activities for the following semester. 3 students and 3 geology program teachers attended.
  • 26 July – UFPR, Brazil. Held a meeting between the UFPR Students Chapters: AAPG, SEG-Geophysics and SEG-Economic Geology regarding the collaboration on the Curitiba city management project "Scientist at School".
  • 30 July – UFS, Brazil. Participated in "Expresso #8M University - Industry" by SPE student chapter. 4 official members and 40 students attended.
  • 30 July – UNAM, México. Held the activities "Organize the change of the executive committee", "Planning: Earth Science Week" and "Planning: Sports Race to Commemorate the 50 years of Geophysical Engineering". 9 students attended.
YP Chapters


  • 24 July – Fernanda Raggio presented “Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Marine Systems of Argentine Basins” at YPF Headquarters, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 25 people attended.
  • Chapter members supporting development of Student and YP programs at ICE Buenos Aires. The Conference will include a Student-YP Roundtable focusing on career challenges and opportunities in the energy industry.


  • 8-13 July – Chapter held Ready to Work Program. (See Ready to Work Section)
  • 25 July – Committee meeting to plan activities for the second semester of the year.


  • 4 July – Participated in “Opportunities Symposium - New Scenario of the Natural Gas in Sergipe” at Hadisson Hotel, Aracaju city, Rio Grande do Norte. Estimated audience: 500 people; 1 YP attended.
  • 7 July – Alexandre Maydana Baumhardt, Geologist, presented "An Introduction about the Young Professionals, the Ready to Work and Mentoring Programs", in Porto Alegre city, Rio Grande do Sul. 6 YPs and undergraduate students attended.
  • 9 July – Monthly meeting, where the new executive committee was presented to members of the chapter, at Ventura Building, Rio de Janeiro; and social meeting, in Amarelinho's Bar in Rio de Janeiro. 11 attendees.
  • 30 July – Participated in a technical seminar about exploration areas from ANP (National Agency of Petroleum) “Rounds: R16 and PP6”, at Hotel Windsor Florida, Rio de Janeiro. Estimated audience: 200 people. 5 young professionals attended.
  • During this month, the chapter received 7 new members.


  • 11 and 25 July – Executive committee online meetings. Discussed future lectures, field trips, short courses and other activities. 4 YPs attended.
  • 17 to 24 July – Planning Meetings for “NETWORK: New Energy Talents Workshop”. Confirmed support of LHR Américas and ACGGP. Working to finalize program, social media announcements and assign tasks. LHR Américas delegate and 6 students/YPs attended.


  • Transition between incoming and outgoing committees. Held meetings with Mexico’s Student Chapter presidents.


  • 6 July – M.Sc. Eng. Jul Roldán Guevara, presented "Workshop: Petrophysical Parameters and Estimation of Hydrocarbon Resources" in the framework of programmed courses of the AAPG YP, held at the Faculty of Petroleum of the National University of Engineering (UNI), Lima, Peru. Attended by 16 people (AAPG and SPE members).

Trinidad & Tobago

  • 6 July – Field trip “Structure & Exploration Potential of the San Francique Oil Field to south Trinidad” lead by Xavier Moonan and Mark Bishop. 17 people attended.
  • 26-28 July – Xavier Moonan and hosts at the Barbados National Oil Company lead a
    Geo-Tour of Barbados. 6 people attended.
  • 28 July – Dr. Ilias Papadopoulos (UWI SRC), Shenille Samlal, Charis Mungal and Rikard Gopaul participated in an Earthquakes and Seismicity Sensitisation Workshop hosted by the Couva/Tabaquite Regional Corporation at the Piparo Community Centre, Trinidad. 14 people attended.


  • 5 July – AAPG YP Brazil-Venezuela online meeting, about best practices and lessons learned to strengthen Venezuela YP Chapter. 3 participants.
  • 11 July – 3rd planning meeting of “2020 Geoscientific Event”, at Central University of Venezuela, Caracas. 18 professionals, 2 YPs and 5 student leaders of chapter SPE UCV attended.
  • 11 July – Held two technical lectures in conjunction with USB and UCV Student Chapters, titled “Importance of the application of balancing methods and restoration of the exploration of folded and run belts” by Ana Goncalves (YPFB Exploration Management), and “Hydrogeophysics and groundwater” by Osmar Zambrano (INAMEH Institute). 44 in-person and 10 online participants.
  • 27 July – Technical lecture “Integral Chemoestratigraphy of the Barco Formation of Paleocene” at UCV, Caracas. 11 in-person and online participants.
  • 30 July – Technical lecture about study opportunities at UCV and AAPG activities in Venezuela, at Los Andes University, Mérida state. 24 participants.
Upcoming Meetings
  • AAPGLAC in-person Leadership Team at ICE Buenos Aires, Friday, 30 August 2019, 10:30 – 12:00 hs ART

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See Also: Explorer Article

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