Article I. Name
This Technical Division of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Association) shall be known as the Energy Minerals Division (herein also referred to as the Division or EMD).
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the Energy Minerals Division is to advance the science of geology as it relates to any geological energy sources other than conventional oil and gas; to provide a forum for addressing developments in energy mineral economics, supply, and utilization technology; and to promote the integration of geoscientific knowledge with related professions and activities.
Article III. Membership
Individuals from all classes of membership in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists are eligible for membership in the Division at no additional cost. Applicants may join by completing a membership form.
Article IV. Government
Section 1.
The Division Leadership shall consist of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council.
Section 2. Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have administrative authority for the management of the affairs of the Division and shall be composed of the following members:
- President
- President-Elect
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Past-President
A quorum shall consist of three members. No proxy votes shall be allowed and no alternates may be appointed for absent members.
Section 3. Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council shall consist of all EMD Councilors and Committee Chairs. They shall be responsible for providing advice to the Executive Committee for long-range planning and general policy of the Division. The Advisory Council shall report to the Executive Committee. Advisory Council business shall be approved by a majority vote of the elected Councilors present or by a majority vote of the elected Councilors polled by the most expedient means. Should the Advisory Council meet independently of the Executive Committee, a chairman and recording secretary shall be chosen by the Councilors and minutes shall be taken.
Article V. Officers
Section 1. Designation.
The officers, who fall into two groupings, shall be:
Executive Committee
- President
- President-Elect
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Councilor for Eastern Section
- Councilor for Gulf Coast Section
- Councilor for Mid-Continent Section
- Councilor for Pacific Section
- Councilor for Rocky Mountain Section
- Councilor for Southwest Section
- Councilor for Canada Region
- Councilor for Africa Region
- Councilor for Asia Pacific Region
- Councilor for Europe Region
- Councilor for Latin America & Caribbean Region
- Councilor for Middle East Region
The Executive Committee may add a Councilor for each new Section or Region designated by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, or may delete a Councilor if Sections or Regions are combined. A member may serve as both a Section or Region Councilor and a Committee Chair as described in Article VII during the same term of office. Section or Region Councilors must be members of the Section or Region that they represent.
Section 2. Terms of Office.
Terms of office for the President, and President-Elect shall be one year. Upon completion of term of office, the President-Elect will become the President of the Division. Terms of office for Vice President, Secretary, and Councilors shall be two years. Two-year terms of the Secretary and Vice President shall be staggered to provide continuity. During their term of office, officers must remain in good standing of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and of the Division, and abide by the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the Association.
Section 3. Nomination and Election of Officers.
The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Executive Officers that shall become vacant at the end of the fiscal year. There shall be at least two nominees for each elected position, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee of the Association. These nominees shall be presented to the Leadership at the Mid-Year Leadership meeting. Upon approval by the EMD Executive Committee, and by the Executive Committee of the Association, officers will be elected by the Division membership. Region and Section Councilors shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Leadership.
Section 4. Vacancies.
A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect, who will assume the title and duties of President for the unexpired term. Vacancies in other executive offices shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the President of the Division with the approval of the EMD Executive Committee and the President of the Association. Vacancies for Section Councilor or Region Councilor shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the President of the Division with approval of the Executive Committee of the Division. If the office of President-Elect shall become vacant, a special election shall be called by the President for the purpose of filling the office.
Section 5. Chief Staff Officer.
The Executive Director of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists is designated as the Chief Staff Officer and Executive Director of the Division.
Section 6. Duties of Officers.
The officers shall communicate regularly with the Chairs who report to them and with the President. Specific duties of the officers shall be as follows:
- President. The President shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, the Division Mid-Year Leadership, and at the Annual Meeting of the Division, shall participate in meetings of the Advisory Council, shall call other meetings as required to transact the business of the Division, shall be responsible for coordinating the actions of the Standing Committees, shall appoint Executive Officers as liaison to all Division Committees, shall transact all of the business of the Division not specifically delegated to other officers by the Bylaws, shall appoint all necessary committees and delegations not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, and shall keep the President and Executive Committee of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists advised of all appointments, business, and actions of the Division. The President shall also serve on the Advisory Council of the Association, as provided for in the Association's Bylaws.
- President-Elect. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to serve. The President-Elect shall assume the office of President in case of a vacancy for any cause in that office. The President-Elect shall be responsible for preparation of the Division Business Plan for the next fiscal year and shall become acquainted with the business of the Division and the Association as preparation to assume the duties of President in the next fiscal year, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.
- Vice President. The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.
- Secretary. The Secretary shall have the responsibility for the records of actions and activities of the Division, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.
- Past-President. The role of the Past-President is to help assure business continuity by providing council to the other members of the Executive Committee, and shall recommend candidates for Division Officers and perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.
- Councilors. The Section and Region Councilors shall represent Division members assigned and unassigned to Sections or Regions respectively on the Advisory Council. Councilors shall see that papers and other programs of interest to the Division members are included in the Sections or Regions and International meetings of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and in meetings and activities of other societies and groups in their respective Sections or Regions of responsibility.
Article VI. Annual Business and Mid-Year Leadership Meetings
The Division shall hold its Annual Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. This shall be an open meeting. The Division Leadership shall be expected to attend. Only Division officers have voting privileges, unless the vote is on Bylaws amendments, as provided for in Article XI. The Mid-Year Leadership meeting will be held in the Fall. The President shall designate the time and place of this meeting, which may be a conference call. All members of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council shall be expected to attend. This shall be an open meeting except during the time of the report of the Nominations Committee (refer to Article V, Section 3). Business shall be approved by a majority of the EMD Executive Committee and Councilors present. Interim meetings may be called as needed at the discretion of the President of the Division.
Article VII. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees.
The Executive Committee of the Division shall establish and maintain various Technical and Administrative Committees as required to meet the needs of the Division.
Committees may be added or deleted by vote of the members at the Annual Business Meeting or recommendation of the President and Executive Committee. Subcommittees of the Committees shall be added or deleted by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Subcommittee Chairs shall be appointed by the Committee Chairs with the approval of the President. Committees not chaired by officers shall be overseen by officers assigned by the President. The President shall assign an officer to the standing and ad hoc committees.
Section 2. Committee Chairs.
All Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President of the Division.
Section 3. Appointments and Tenures.
The Committee Chairs shall appoint all members of their respective Standing Committees, except where otherwise specified by these Bylaws. The President may appoint members to the Nominations Committee who shall serve one year. The term of office of all other standing Committee members, including the Chair, shall be two years, with staggered terms.
Section 4. Ad Hoc Committees and Delegations.
In addition to the Standing Committees, the President may appoint, annually, such Ad Hoc Committees and delegations and their chairs as the EMD Executive Committee may authorize. Ad Hoc Committees or delegations serve during the term of the President who appointed them.
Section 5. Functions of Standing Committees.
- Technical Committees. These committees shall promote their fields of specialty within the Division. They shall assist the Councilors and Special Committees in accomplishing their duties as they relate to the Technical Committee's field of specialty by identifying or developing papers for presentation at meetings, and recommendations to the Publications Committee for publications of the Association. The Chairs of these committees shall appoint such advisors, working groups, and committee members as they deem necessary to promote the science of geology as it relates to their specialty, and to accomplish assigned tasks.
- Special Committees. These committees shall consist of such advisors and working groups as the chair deems necessary for the fulfillment of their duties as summarized below.
- Annual Meeting Committee. The Annual Meeting Committee shall be responsible for all Division technical input into the Annual Meeting of the Association. The Chair of this committee shall serve as the Division Vice-Chair for the Annual Meetings of the Coordinating Committee of the Association's Convention Committee.
- Nominations Committee. The duties of the Nominations Committee are described in Article V, Section 3 of these Bylaws.
- Publications Committee. The Publications Committee shall promote and edit papers and publications of interest to Division members. This shall include, but not be limited to, publications in the Association's Bulletin, Explorer, and special publications.
- Communications Committee. The Communications Committee is responsible for coordinating communications to the EMD members through various resources, including the EMD website, social media, and other available outlets.
- Honors and Awards Committee. The Honors and Awards Committee shall organize and perform the search for persons of outstanding achievement, and recommend them for appropriate AAPG and EMD honors and awards.
Article VIII. Administrative and Fiscal Years
The administrative and fiscal years of the Division shall conform to those of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Article IX. AAPG Bylaws
All pertinent or appropriate provisions of the Bylaws of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and any amendments thereto, are incorporated herein by reference, and made a part of the Bylaws of the Division.
Article X. Amendments
After approval by the EMD Executive Committee and Councilors for submission to the membership, the Division's Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Business Meeting by two-thirds vote of the Division members present or prior to the next Annual Business Meeting by a two-thirds vote of Division members voting by mailed ballot, such amendment to become effective upon concurrence of the Executive Committee of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Article XI. Interim Procedures
Whenever the Division Bylaws are amended, the Executive Committee shall develop interim procedures to assure a smooth transition to the new Bylaws.
Article XII. Division Business Plan
The Division Business Plan shall be prepared each fiscal year for the next fiscal year by the President-Elect. The Division Leadership shall respond on a timely basis to any requests from the President-Elect. The Division Business Plan shall be approved by a majority vote of the elected officers present or by a majority vote of the elected officers polled by the most expedient means. The Division Business Plan shall be presented at the Annual Business Meeting for approval.
Article XIII. Failure of Officers or Chairs to Perform Duties
Officers and Chairs shall perform the duties given to them in the Division Bylaws and assigned to them by the Division President. Officers or Chairs who fail to perform the duties of their office, or comply with the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the Association may be asked to resign their position by the Division Executive Committee.