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Evaporite Processes and Systems: Integrating Perspectives

Occurred Monday, 18 October Wednesday, 20 October 2021, 10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.  |  Virtual Workshop via Zoom (Salzburg, Austria time)

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Join us virtually in this event that was due to be hosted in Salzburg, the “castle of salt” and cradle of Mozart and Doppler. We aim to host an interactive meeting aimed at bringing together different perspectives in the science of evaporite basins: from their formation to their deformation, from description and characterization to modelling. Exploratory success in evaporite-rich basins worldwide has depended on the role of evaporites as a deformable substrate, as a seal, or even as a good thermal conductor. The aim of this workshop is to improve our understanding and predictive ability by addressing evaporite systems in an integrated manner, all the way from precipitation to structuration, and exploring the multiple properties of evaporite sequences. This will be done via technical sessions, keynote speaker presentations, panel sessions and more!



Marta Diaz Events Manager
Virtual Delegate Bag
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Comments (1)

Dear Org.Committe :-) Shall I resend the previously submitted Abstract? Regards zoltan unger
1/6/2021 7:23:51 AM

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