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Last Post 02 Jul 2018 03:31 PM by  Susie Nolen
YP India Chapter Report
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Susie Nolen
New Member
New Member

02 Jul 2018 03:31 PM
    The YP India Chapter has provided a report of their activities for 2017-18 in an effort to generate interest in AAPG Young Professionals and increase AAPG membership.

    Enjoy the read!
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    Telemachos Manos Geologist, AAPG Global YP Co-Chair, Avid Explorer! na
    Juan Quinto Subsurface Geologist EspOil

    Headquarters Contacts

    Adriane Hausher Programs Coordinator AAPG
    Heather Hodges Programs Coordinator AAPG
    Susie Nolen Programs Team Leader AAPG