Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

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Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

We're sorry. This article is available only to DPA members. To continue reading, please login or consider joining the DPA to gain access.

What Can I Do?

Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

We're sorry. This article is available only to DPA members. To continue reading, please login or consider joining the DPA to gain access.

Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

We're sorry. This article is available only to DPA members. To continue reading, please login or consider joining the DPA to gain access.

Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

We're sorry. This article is available only to DPA members. To continue reading, please login or consider joining the DPA to gain access.
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Why DPA?

June 2016 By David J. Entzminger

You may find this is an interesting question for someone that has been a Certified Geologist with AAPG since 1993. As the DPA vice president, I have taken my interest in this question to the next level, and started asking active DPA members and successful oil finders, “Why DPA?”

We're sorry. This article is available only to DPA members. To continue reading, please login or consider joining the DPA to gain access.