Mexico: Opportunities Require Geology

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

All eyes have been on Mexico as the oil sector has been opened up for foreign and private investment. While there is a great deal of optimism, there is also a great deal of caution because of the unknowns in terms of business structure, and also in terms of security.

A few recent restructuring moves have been announced:

  1. Mexico’s state oil company, Pemex, will dissolve its four separate operating units and replace them with two: upstream and downstream
  2. Non-core subsidiaries will become “affiliates” and they will include the following: drilling, logistics, co-generation and services, fertilizers and ethylene.
  3. Pemex will be considered a “state productive enterprise.”

Mexico is also opening up for bidding on the opportunity to participate in oil and gas exploration and production. Round 1 (Ronda 1). Round 1 will involve licenses for 169 blocks: 109 are exploratory; 60 involve producing fields. Learn more about Round 1.

For those interested in becoming involved in the Reform Energética, it is important to understand all the legal requirements, processes, and procedures. But, for geoscientists, it is even more important to have a good understanding and working knowledge of the petroleum geology of Mexico.

To that end, AAPG is committed to making information available in upcoming Geosciences Technology Workshops, where information on the petroleum geology in various basins and regions of Mexico will be presented:

For more information, please , Ph.D., Director of Education and Professional Development, AAPG or

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