Immersion into Shuaiba Formation to Maximize Production

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

For the first time in the Middle East region, AAPG is hosting a Geosciences Technology Workshop (GTW) dedicated to the Shuaiba Formation. This exciting and innovative event will take place at the Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa on 6–7 April 2020 and will feature a compelling lineup of technical speakers and poster presenters.

The workshop will focus on the Aptian section of the Arabian Plate and will cover one of the main reservoirs in Thamama group (Shuaiba Formation). This part of the stratigraphic column is one of the most diverse regional stratigraphy which was likely the result of segmented basinal physiography during that time.

The event will feature the following technical sessions:

  • Session 1: Evolution of Exploration Strategies for Developing New Concepts of the Aptian Plays
  • Session 2: Delineation of Shuaiba Stratigraphic Clinoforms Boundaries
  • Session 3: Maturing Shuaiba Stratigraphic Fields
  • Session 4: Best Practices and Technologies to Maximize Shuaiba Productivity

Registration is now open so make sure you register on time.

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