After two decades, PNG will see a Geosciences Conference.

AAPG and EAGE present 1st Papua New Guinea Geosciences Conference

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

AAPG and EAGE are proud to jointly present the first Geosciences conference in Papua New Guinea in two decades.

Endorsed by Department of Energy, PNG and supported by the PNG Chamber of Mines & SEAPEX, the conference will review the petroleum geology of Papua New Guinea in its tectonic setting as host to petroliferous marginal Phanerozoic basins on the northeast margin of the Australian continent. It will also discuss established petroleum systems and plays as well as emerging and potential new plays that will contribute to future development and production.

A committee comprising 25 Industry leaders held the first meeting in Port Moresby on 21 March 2019. Many members called into the meeting; to join those physically present.

Photo shows:

Back Row: Gerard Wieggerink, EAGE; Dave Holland, Oil Search; Pilu Kouvali, Department of Petroleum & Energy; Huw Evans, Twinza; Gregory Balavue, Department of Petroleum & Energy; Michael McWalter, Oil Search (Convenor); Shane Schofield, Oil Search

Front Row: Adrienne Pereira, AAPG Asia Pacific; Sarah Trend, Exxon; Larissa Slomon-Nombe, Exxon; Leah Warupi-Morlin, PNG Chamber of Mines.

More information can be found at:

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