Edith Allison

Edith Allison

Director, Geoscience and Energy Office (GEO-DC) 1398 Edith Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/allison-edith-jan19.jpg?width=200&height=235&quality=75&mode=crop&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true

Edith Allison became the director of AAPG’s Geoscience and Energy Office (GEO-DC) in September 2012. GEO-DC focuses on three areas: providing accurate scientific information to Washington policy makers; informing AAPG members of government policies and actions that affect them; and involving AAPG members in communicating with Washington policy makers.

Ms. Allison has been an AAPG member since 1982, and active in AAPG affairs, including serving as a member of the House of Delegates, co-chair of the Professional Women in Earth Sciences Committee and co-chair of the 2011 Eastern Section annual meeting.

Ms. Allison has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in geology and worked in industry for many years as an exploration and development geologist in the Mid-Continent and Permian basins. Ms. Allison also worked for the U.S. Department of Energy for over 20 years, initially conducting reservoir characterization research and later managing unconventional oil and gas research programs.


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