Mario Schiuma

Mario Schiuma

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Dr. Mario Schiuma graduated in 1977 with a degree in geology from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), the same year he graduated as Specialist in oil and gas mining at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In 1994 he obtained the title of PHD in Geology at the UNLP for his thesis "Intrusives the Rio Grande Valley, Province of Mendoza, its importance as reservoirs of oil."

Dr. Schiuma began his professional career as a geologist in YPF Malargue development, where he specialized in naturally fractured reservoirs. Between 1990 and 2007 he served as senior geologist at Baker Atlas, and as advisor geologist in the companies Chauvco, Pioneer and Apache in 2007 he came back to YPF, where he is still working as advisor geologist for the exploration division.

Dr. Schiuma has presented numerous papers at international and national conferences and is the editor of the book "Reservoir Rocks of productive basins of Argentina". He was also the president of the VIII congress of hydrocarbon exploration and development, organized by IAPG (Argentine Oil and Gas institute).  He speaks Italian as well as English.


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