Stratigraphy / Sedimentology Technical Interest Group (TIG)

What we know about depositional systems, with an emphasis on finding ways to better determine connectivity in discrete lenticular units. Chaired by Jon Rotzien and John Holbrook.
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology TIG
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0 Replies and 1478 Views Read This First!      1478  0 Started by  Bogdan Michka Welcome to AAPG N.E.T., an online space where you can Network, Engage and Talk. Please complete the following steps before you begin interacting with the discussion boards: 1. Take time to review your profile and privacy settings, paying attention to your display name and photo, as they will be used to identify your posts. 2. Read the Discussion Boards FAQ page to learn the rules and get familiar with the features: — pa...
0 1478
09 May 2017 04:48 PM
0 Replies and 368 Views An AAPG/SPE Contradiction  368  0 Started by  James Dietrich Dear Colleagues: There is a contradiction between the positions taken by the AAPG and the SPE on the need for the routine use of property cutoffs in reservoir modeling. The SPE tacitly supports an approach to model building that eliminates hydrocarbons initially in-place in rock of low permeability, where little or no flow is expected to occur. This implied backing derives mainly from refereeing and publishing the work of Worthington and Cosentino (2005), and Worthington (2008 and 2010). I...
0 368
29 Dec 2023 06:02 PM
0 Replies and 326 Views Pore Space Connectivity  326  0 Started by  James Dietrich Dear Colleagues: It's been alleged by many that a systematic error runs through the practice of reservoir modeling. The alleged error involves use of the variogram. Briefly stated, it's alleged that geo-modelers simply assume spatial dependency of rock properties over distances of 100s to 1000s of meters (within a given facies) based on the well spacing that happens to be available to them when modeling petroleum reservoirs, whereas property correlation lengths revealed via evaluation ...
0 326
29 Dec 2023 11:05 AM
0 Replies and 1440 Views Resources - Ashley Harris' DL Talk and Digging Deeper interview  1440  0 Started by  Bogdan Michka Watch Ashley Harris' Distinguished Lecture, Re-evaluating the Relationship Between Relative Sea Level and Sediment Distribution Using Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Models: Also here's a link to his Digging Deeper interview with Vern Stefanic: https://...
0 1440
10 Apr 2019 09:16 AM
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John Holbrook Professor Texas Christian University
Jonathan Rotzien President UT AUstin

Headquarters Contacts

Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG