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Last Post 03 Oct 2022 01:55 PM by  Patrick Ng
Machine Learning Model Zoo - Transfer Learning with The Animal Spirit
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Patrick Ng
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03 Oct 2022 01:55 PM

    Recall "AI is the new Electricity!", Dr. Andrew Ng (founder of Coursera and, among many firsts). For industrial application (say above and beyond social media), it pays to shift resources to data and features engineering vs ML model development.

    Update 10.07.2022 - hot off the press: AI-ML breakthrough on linear algebra!


    Motivation - it is all about transfer learning. Take a model that has been trained in one application and apply to affinity and even entirely different disciplines.

    As such, take a look at

    Alpha-Go is the generative adversarial network (GAN) that plays Go and beat the world champion 2017.

    Have fun and share your transfer learning experience.

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