Deep Learning/Machine Learning Technical Interest Group (TIG)

Applying new analytics, neural networks, computational approaches using structured and unstructured data, and also training neural networks with supervised and unsupervised algorithms. Chaired by Patrick Ng and Andrew Munoz.
Deep Learning - Machine Learning TIG
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Last Post 22 Apr 2021 03:00 PM by  Patrick Ng
Pivot 2021 - ML, Geothermal and Smart Completions
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Author Messages
Patrick Ng
Basic Member
Basic Member

22 Apr 2021 03:00 PM
    Learning from other industries - sign up for a free workshop April 28, after hours for flexibility


    John Holbrook, Ph.D., Texas Christian University
    Geothermal Developments, Solar Energy Storage

    Sean Marshall and Danny Rehg, Criterion EP
    Geothermal Lease Evaluation – A Challenge

    Dan Taranik, Exploration Mapping
    New and Old Satellite Imagery for Surface Temperature and Emissivity

    Deborah Sacrey, Auburn Energy
    Bivariate Statistics on Old East Texas Field for New Production
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