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Last Post 28 Jul 2022 11:02 AM by  Patrick Ng
Heart of GOLD redux
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Patrick Ng
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28 Jul 2022 11:02 AM
    Beyond sing along with Neil Young "Heart of Gold", we can expand energy supply - hot and wet mix. From physical, heat to digital (coin mining).

    Rephrase "Oil & Gas Deep Learning and Geothermal Could also Strike GOLD Through Partnership."

    Consider we drill more than a million wells a year, gain lots of sampling and knowledge of geology.

    Deep Learning / whatever algorithms, can certainly benefit from more focused harnessing of, and readily access to data, e.g., bottomhole temperatures, formation tests, produced water volumes.

    Challenge - seek AAPG volunteers to make this happen. Anyone interested, contact Andrew or me.
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    Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
    Patrick Ng Shaleforce

    Headquarters Contacts

    Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG