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0 Replies and 373 Views Energy in Data 2021 - Driving Digital Transformation  373  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Understand today our priority is: 1) return to normal and 2) re-open for business in a safe manner (balance between public health and economic well being). So just when there are a few minutes of downtime, it is worth checking out how the three professional societies (AAPG, SEG and SPE) come together and put in place a program to help unleash a fresh wave of energy crossing disciplines - geology, geophysics, engineering, AI and machine learning. For more details, click on https://energyindata...
0 373
15 Apr 2020 10:24 AM
0 Replies and 335 Views Build you own Machine Learning Model  335  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Mark your calendar April 30, 2020 and register for Keith Moore's 'You can build your own models: Why you don't need to be scared of doing your own data science' For webinar detail, click here: Brought to you by the courtesy of AAPG, SPE and SEG - Energy In Data 2021.
0 335
14 Apr 2020 04:29 PM
0 Replies and 384 Views Risk averse - to be, or not to be  384  0 Started by  Patrick Ng In 2019, over a series of AAPG Analytics / Machine Learning Workshops across different regions, I posed this question to participants, “would you be ready to fly on 737 Max when it re-enters service” In sessions attended by mostly engineers and data scientists, fewer than three hands were raised. However, in one hosted by the Kansas Geological Survey, half a dozen participants raised theirs. Interpretation It may be attributable to professional mindsets, e.g., geologists more explorationist (r...
0 384
18 Mar 2020 07:13 PM
0 Replies and 380 Views Watch Subsurface Data Analytics and Machine Learning by Dr. Michael Pyrcz  380  0 Started by  Bogdan Michka Watch Subsurface Data Analytics and Machine Learning, a Distinguished Lecture talk given by Michael Pyrcz during 2019-20 AAPG DL Season. Abstract: Every energy company that I visit is interested in growing internal capabilities to add value with data analytics and machine learning. Energy has a long history of working with large, ...
0 380
03 Mar 2020 03:33 PM
0 Replies and 316 Views Excel-Based Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithms: Programming and Application  316  0 Started by  Susan Nash Check out the link: To give you a powerful new tool for your reservoir, reserves, supply chain, water management, and other models, AAPG is offering a machine learning course that jump-starts you into building powerful Random Forest algorithms without having to program in Python or R. You simply use Excel and Visual Basic, and your instructors will guide you as you build a too...
0 316
03 Mar 2020 11:11 AM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
Patrick Ng Shaleforce

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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG