2019 AAPG Hedberg Research Conference

Hydrocarbon Microseepage: Recent Advances, New Applications, and Remaining Challenges

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

We are pleased to announce that AAPG has scheduled this research conference to be held June 18-20, 2019 in Houston, Texas. Convenors for this conference are Dr. Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Dr. Gary K. Rice.

Dr. Dietmar Schumacher
Dr. Dietmar Schumacher
The past two decades have seen not only a continued interest in the topic of hydrocarbon microseepage, but have resulted in ongoing development of new and novel exploration technologies and applications. These have led to improved integration of geochemistry with geology, geophysics, and remote sensing, and have resulted in more efficient exploration and development strategies.

We hope to bring together 70-90 international experts from industry, academia, and government to review the state of knowledge of hydrocarbon microseepage in light of the new body of data and insights gained in the past two decades and current research directions.

Dr. Gary K. Rice
Dr. Gary K. Rice
A “Call for Papers” will be issued within 30 days, and we invite your participation as presenters and as attendees. For more information contact Deet Schumacher at or Gary Rice at  

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