Fluvial Sedimentology and Geomorphology - Final Chance to Register

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Upon completion of the course, participants will gain an overview of the river sedimentary processes that generate strata, as well as the primary geomorphic controls on these sedimentary processes. Participants will attain the following skills.

  • Relate surficial river processes to specific reservoir facies
  • Evaluate fluvial preservation in a “river-to-rock” context to better relate modern river deposition to subsequent fluvial stratigraphy
  • Estimate sediment discharge of an ancient river system from parameters (i.e. grain size and channel fill thickness) measureable in common subsurface data sets

The webinar will be lead by Dr. John Holbrook.

His specialization is sequence stratigraphy and fluvial stratigraphy and he is a Professor at Texas Christian University (since 2011).

Don't miss the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics on geomorphologic controls of river systems and the related depositional processes that generate and preserve fluvial sediment.

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