AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop | 5-6 OCT 2016 | Houston, TX, USA

Making Money with Mature Fields - Geosciences Technology Workshop

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The goal of this workshop is to review mature fields and to identify the amount and nature of oil that can be recovered, and to evaluate competing strategies for economically producing the remaining reserves. In addition to looking closely at fields, we will review new and improved technologies that may help revitalize reservoirs and overcome problems such as low pressure, paraffin, corrosion, and more. We will identify companies willing to offer a “no money down” approach, or other forms of innovative financing. In addition to reviewing the technology, we will review case studies.

  • Mature fields: examples and profiles
  • Typical issues resulting in oil left behind
  • EOR
  • New Technologies and techniques
  • Reality checks: water, environmental issues, infrastructure
  • Opportunities and economies of scale: How to make the economics really work
  • Is there funding? Where? How? Who?

Learn more, "Making Money with Mature Fields" Geosciences Technology Workshop.


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