Thermal Profiling for Unconventional Oil and Gas e-Symposium & One-Day Independent Study Course

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Thermal Profiling: Cables
Thermal Profiling: Cables
An e-symposium on May 21 at 2 pm introduces you to the practical benefits of thermal profiling for a variety of unconventional oil and gas projects, including tight gas sands, oil shale, low-gravity oil. Thermal profiling also benefits stimulation in unconventional reserves. The e-symposium lasts one hour, but participants also receive materials for a one-day independent study course. CEUs are also available.

Unconventional plays and stimulation benefit from thermal profiling. The course covers the basics of thermal profiling and how fiber optic-based thermal profiling systems are designed and deployed. Your instructors are Mikko Jaaskelainen and Jack Angel, recognized experts in the field. The presenters will continue with examples of data visualization and interpretation. Finally, the session wraps up with practical information related to getting started with thermal profiling. You will have a chance to ask questions, and you will receive a resource packet which consists of readings for a full day of independent study.

If you are involved in production, reservoir, or drilling, you will find a great deal of useful information.

It may surprise you to learn that tight gas sands account for 58 percent of the total proved natural gas reserves in the United States. Further, producing the gas from the sands requires an in-depth understanding of the rock properties. It is easy to overlook the role of temperature, but it is vital. Here is why.

Many of the tight gas sand basins are mature, and numerous wells have been drilled or completed into nearly depleted reservoirs. The wells include infill wells, recompletions, and field-extensions. Typically, the reservoir pressures encountered are not as high as the initial reservoir pressures. When pressure drawdowns can be less than 2,000 psi, significant reductions in well productivity are observed, often due to water blocking and insufficient clean-up of fracture-fluid residues. In some cases, high clay content causes the tight gas sand reservoirs to display water sensitivity. As a result, they readily imbibe water. There are high capillary pressures and low initial water saturation.

Hydraulic fracturing is often used to enhance recover, and this is where real-time thermal profiling can make a tremendous difference.

Fluid temperature in the fracture will affect the stresses of the fracture and change the fluid rheology, therefore, effecting fracture propagation and proppant placement.

  • $75 for AAPG members
  • $95 for non-members
  • $100 for AAPG members
  • $145 for non-members
  • Basics of Thermal Profiling
  • Applications for & Benefits of Thermal Profiling in Unconventional O&G Reservoirs
  • Fiber Optic-Based Sensor Deployment
  • Data Visualization and Interpretation
  • Getting Started – What you Need to Know
Who Should Attend?

This e-symposium is ideal for engineers, geoscientists, geotechs, and operations personnel who are involved in drilling and production operations, as well as those who develop programs for unconventional reservoirs.

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